Hi everyone
I’m living with ulcerative colitis any friends is welcome
Remicade weight - how to lose it?
Hi. Been on Remicade for 12 years, low dose and it's fabulous at keeping Crohns in check but 15 lbs crept on the year/two after starting and even 10 years later I cannot get it off. I eat well, vegetables, no dairy, gluten free, low fodmap... even worked with nutrition coaches and dieticians to no avail. I workout, walk,…
Living with UC
Wondering if this group remains active; dieting and meeting the physical needs of UC is certainly a challenge.
Just diagnosed with u.c.
I've been dealing with u.c. for 10+ years. Finally just got diagnosed. I already have a list of foods I know hurt me including broccoli, cauliflower, chickpeas and apple raw with skin. I eat a fairly clean diet already so just need to clean it up a lil more. No more sugar free coffee creamer for me and I'm going to lay off…
So glad I found this group!
I was diagnosed with UC 2 years ago. (I had mild symptoms with our first child...cut to 10 years later, after our second child, and I end up in the hospital.) My GI told me that UC is often "triggered" or "activated" after giving birth. Steroids (I am looking at you Prednisone) gave me 25 extra pounds to lose. I have 10 to…
Is anyone taking probiotics to help?
I just started taking some but I'm not sure I'm even taking the right ones or what I should look for in the probiotic or how long I should wait to see results. Or even what those results are. It's been...well...ok only a week now that I think about it but still....! :smile:
Antibiotic Associated Colitis
Ok, so, first off...yes, of course I'm under the care of my gastro. I had a tooth infection and my dentist prescribed amoxicyllin. I'd never had a problem with it before so took it without running it by my gastro first. Of course, that was a dumb idea. So now I have antibiotic associated colitis and was put on vancomycin…
Tests & Procedures & Surgeries, Oh My!
A few months ago, I had a bad flare and ended up in the hospital for a week. It took me forever to seek medical care because I have 3 kiddos and no one to watch them (family lives far away, friends work, DH works overseas, etc...). But I also thought I just had a tummy bug or food poisoning or something because there was…
Coping With Ulcerative Colitis
I have been off my meds for 3+ months now & then today, when I had a bowel movement, I noticed there was a pool of blood, in the toilet. :sad: The crazy thing is I had no signs of a flare up coming on. No abdominal pain, no urgent bathroom runs, nor did I have a decrease in appetite or I'd have more weight loss :tongue:…
losing weight after prednisone
I had my first UC flare in the fall of 2012, which we finally controlled with a 6 week run of prednisone (started 40 and tapered to 0 over 6 weeks). I'm in "remission" right now, but my weight is just not budging. I gained 10 pounds during those 6 weeks, and then a little more (3-4) after I stopped the pred. I've working…