


  • aimeeus
    aimeeus Posts: 4
    Thankyou Shea. That's some good advice. I'm especially frustrated today as I seem to have put
    ON weight... Although that might be something to do with my period. Does that happen? Do you have any links to any meal plans that use the methods you describe?

    Thanks xxx
  • shea14shea
    shea14shea Posts: 18
    Aimee- That is a combination of all the information learned, a nutrition class I took, and heard over and over again. I did find some links that may help explain some of it. Figuring out the right amount of calories for yourself is a little complicated, it depends on your height, weight, activity level, etc. That's why using a food log like this is so great. I have tried a few different one's and they all put me at the about the same calorie amount. But here are some links:

    Study on weight loss and calorie connection http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/05/cut-calories-weight-loss_n_1244990.html

    Why it is important to get at least 1200 calories http://www.fitsugar.com/Why-1200-Calories-Day-Important-When-Dieting-13080864

    Think about it like this: For basic body function you need energy and nutrients. Food contains nutrients the way people are meant to get them. Calories= energy. If your body doesn't get what it needs it won't run properly and go into starvation mode (thus the slowing of the metabolism thing). You need to eat enough to maintain all those functions. On the other hand Sugar (including carbs) and fat turn into fat storage and raise the blood sugar when we get more intake then we use (weight gain) Now we exert more that 1200 calories. Fat storage in the body is released to be used as energy when you go over what we have consumed that day (weight loss). I saw a really cool animation I'll keep looking for that show how it all works.

    Now muscle burns more calories in rest that fat, and building muscles (not necessarily bulking up) also uses energy. And, of course, cardio uses a lot of energy, and it keeps your body burning more all day.
    Here's an article on making your body burn more http://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/calories/burning_calories/burn_more_calories.htm

    Certain foods use more energy by raising body temperature

    That talks a little bit about why protein is so important, but it is so much more important than that. Proteins have been called the building blocks of the human body

    Here is a list of some of the foods that help with weight loss http://www.self.com/fooddiet/2010/03/20-superfoods-slideshow#slide=1

    Fiber is important in digestive health, which is really important for weight loss and over all health.
    Fiber and weight loss http://www.webmd.com/diet/fiber-health-benefits-11/fiber-weight-control

    A big part of digestive health is a clean liver. Liver and weight connection http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/46574/lose_weight/your_liver__weight_loss__what_do_they_have_in_common.html

    It all sounds like a lot but it's really not. Add the fiber to your food tracker to make sure your getting enough. Stay on track with what the food tracker laid out for you. Include good foods the best you can. Keep exercising, you should see progress in the definition of your body and in your fitness abilities if you are doing the right exercises. If not, change it up. I hope that helps!
  • ehilgenberg10
    ehilgenberg10 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you for starting this group! I'm Beth, and my goal is to lose 30 pounds by November 10th (my 30th birthday ;) ). So I guess for the summer my goal is to lose about 25 pounds by September :). I know ti's going to be hard but I'm really going to put my all to it. I plan on working out 5 times a week and I'm trying to slowly eat better (cutting out a little bit of bad food every week, I don't want to crave it, so I'm going to try to transition).
  • shea14shea
    shea14shea Posts: 18
    Welcome. That's my husbands 30th birthday.
  • TrishL1986
    TrishL1986 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone. I would like to join in on the 30 by September goal, but I think I should stick with a more realistic 25lbs. Lately I have been in a slump. I allowed myself to slack off after graduation and have gained quite a bit of weight. My birthday is coming up in October and I would like to lose 40lbs by the end of October. I am hoping that having a group like this to keep me accountable will help with my motivation.
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    I would like to join this group. I know i am late but I am aiming to lose 30 pounds by September 20th.