Did anyone else go back?

Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
I have completed Phase 1 and moved onto Workouts 5/6. Most of them I can do but feel I have bad form and not enough strength to complete the exercises correctly (especially the push-up to side planks). Has anyone else gone back to phase 1 to get additional strength and form? I don't want to go back but I don't feel like right to go forward (I should be moving on to workout 7/8 and I've done an extra week of 5/6).


  • KGTraxler
    KGTraxler Posts: 144
    I've gone back before. I did an extra week of 5 & 6 because I wasn't ready to move on. I think you need to follow your body. Especially since Jillian Michaels stresses the importance of form so much, I think it's good to take your time with it if you feel the need to. I'm sure lots of people prolong the 90 day program depending on their individual fitness levels.
  • azwaa
    azwaa Posts: 81 Member
    I would be wary of "going back." If you were doing fine on three and four, you should force yourself to do five and six until you feel good about them. That is the way your body will change. That being said, if your form sucks or you feel like you weren't even doing level four right, then go back. If it is just because five and six suck (which they do) do extra time on them. Your body will only change if you force it.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    If you want to go back to 3 and 4 to gain strength you absolutely can. BUT...you'll need invest in heavier weights. As heavy as you can go. Certain exercises I can do with 25lb weights, some I can only use 10's. Pushing your muscles to adapt is the only way you'll get stronger.
    If that's unappealing then sticking with 5 and 6 is probably your best bet. Maybe you spend an extra week or 2 there instead of the extra time on 3 and 4?
    Option 3, skip the side planks. Do plank ups instead or whatever else you'd enjoy! The fact that you're doing this program is awesome. Enjoying it is the key to sticking with it so do what you feel is best!

    The Yoga is what kills me in 5 and 6....sooooo not a fan!

    Good luck to you!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Thanks guy! LOL I'm fine with the yoga, but I've done lots of yoga in the past and that is old hat. Its the push-ups that kill me most. Secondly, I have a lot of balance issues and have trouble with all the one leg exercises (just the balance not the exercise). Maybe I'll do another week or 2 of 5/6 and start working on push ups and balance exercises on the side.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    As someone who has had some start/stop moments with JMBR, I'll share my perspective. When I first transitioned to workout 5 & 6, I added an additional week before I moved to workouts 7/8. I felt as though I was not yet ready. I had not perfected my form on a number of exercises (weighted superman, lunge chops, etc.) and felt another week would help. And, for me, it did. I was in better shape to move into workout 7/8 and could have stayed with 5/6 and still found progression. When I was doing weeks 7/8, I also added another week before I was going to move into 9/10. I ended up having some scheduling conflicts and took an unplanned 2-week hiatus. I decided instead of moving into 9/10 (where I left off) or going back to 7/8, I decided to start Phase II over again. When I completed workouts 5 & 6 again, I still felt challenge; I pushed as hard as I could with as much weight as I could with good form and got a great workout. I, in no way, regret any of my week add-ons, or deciding to "redo" phase II. I know I will see results by doing so.

    In terms of feeling like you have bad form, modify, modify, modify. As another poster noted, don't do side planks. Or do push-ups on your knees and do side planks on your knees. When doing the one-legged exercises, touch your foot down midway between the exercise (e.g., one legged squat). You can also go at a slower pace, if that helps to improve balance. There are ways to modify. As long as you challenge yourself, you'll get a great workout!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    so i know i'm obsessed with our girl jillian (my husband says i've joined a cult, lol) but if anyone watches her daily dose of jillian on youtube- she actually talks to a girl today who is doing the program and struggling with weeks 3&4, and jillian talks to her about modifications, and she does say that it's ok to stick with the other levels until you are stronger if you have to. just an fyi, not advocating for one way or another. but seriously check it out- youtube daily dose of jillian. i haven't run into it yet, but it sounds like i might need to consider doing this when i hit workouts 5 & 6 next week based on the other reviews!
  • jbarri13
    jbarri13 Posts: 1
    Hey guys! This is my first post (yay me!) Just thought I'd add my two cents because I too had trouble with 5 and 6. For some reason I was just not a fan and found it to be pretty challenging. I decided to start 7 and 8 to see how it would go. I figured if it was too difficult I'd go back to 5 and 6. Today I'll be doing my second day of 8. I have to say, it's totally different from 5 and 6 (obviously) and i'm enjoying it much more. Overall, I'm obsessed with this work out program. So don't get intimidated by 7 and 8. Also, something that has been helpful to me is not watching the videos ahead of time. That would seriously discourage me and part of the fun is learning a video with Jillian the first time. Always makes me laugh more and what's better than cracking a smile when you think your body is going to keel over?!