does any low carbers do intermitant fasting as well as keto?

NikkiJoH Posts: 22 Member
hey guys do any of u do IF as well as keto?

i fell of the wagon last week end and have been struggling with getting back into keto since and have infact been putting on weight trying with all the faty foods.............

so as from today im trying IF my eating window is 4pm-12midnight, as i work nights :-)

has anyone else tried this? have any tips for me?

i am allowing my self black coffee during fating but no more than maybe 2 an hr as i use sweetners in them.

also do u have any tips for getting back into keto quicker?

also please add me as always need support advice and will give it back to u all too :-) im from coventry in the UK



  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Might try posting this in the Paleo/Primal or IF groups. more likely the Paleo one would get responses, as I think most of the people in the IF group are not low-carb.

    I've also read (I think the Lean Gains program) that for women it works out better to have a 14/10 IF split, so your eating window is 10 hours instead of 8.