Activity level question

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
Hi all- yesterday was day 1 eating at TDEE to do the reset & I just want to make sure I'm doing the correct calculations.

For the past month-ish, I've gone to the gym 7 days a week, and have done various programs on the elliptical for either 45 minutes or 60 minutes (+5 min cooldown). By doing this the machine says I burn anywhere from 600-860 calories. Recently, I've been going the full hour each time (in response to starting to eat more in early May and gaining weight - which I now know might have been counterproductive). MFP was set on me netting 1640 and eating back exercise calories, so I was eating anywhere from 2200-2500 a day and gained 6 pounds.

Over the weekend I found this group and it was recommended I do the full reset. I guess I just don't know what activity level I should put myself in. I don't want to work out 7x/week if I don't have to (and, before, since I was gaining weight I felt I 'had to' - which makes working out a compulsive chore). I'm hoping to start taking 1-2 rest days. On the scooby site, I calculated my TDEE for the 5-6 hours of strenuous activity one, figuring doing the elliptical and having such a high burn 5-6x/week would put me in the category. At this level, my TDEE is 2655. Does this sound right?

I also purchased the NROLFW book yesterday because I want to start strength training. I'm just not sure if I should wait til I'm done with the reset or if I should start it now. Would doing NROLFW + cardio on the elliptical still put me in the 5-6 hours of strenuous activity one? If this is all about consistency, I don't want to start jumping around what I'm eating. This is also why I want to make sure I'm calculating from the right activity level now, since this is day 2 of the reset.

Please advise!!


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh my, so glad you asked...I would suggest, recalculating your TDEE using moderate and then .....this is key.... do the NROLW 3 days a week and on the alternating two days do THIRTY MIN on the elliptical or treadmill doing HIIT (3 min warm up 30 sec fast as you can 60 sec mod pace for 20 min straight, then cool down the rest) and that is IT! Eat your maintenance cals and do the above...

  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    I think I want to do more research into NROLFW before starting - I just bought the book yesterday so I haven't had the chance to read it yet. Right now I'm eating at my 5-6 hours of strenuous activity level TDEE (which is 2655). Does doing the elliptical for an hour 5-6 days a week count as strenuous?

    I'm just worried about starting something brand new when we're supposed to be consistent throughout the reset... but, also, I'm afraid 2655 is too much to be eating for my activity level?