I hope this last

DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
Well I think I may have busted through. After 4 months of trying to figure out how to break the plateau (lasting 5 months), the scale is shifting down (at least for now). Every week I was trying to make adjustments, eat more, exercise more, eat less, exercise less. In the mean time of not losing on the scale, I was losing BF% and inches. Now the scale is moving down. Last week I was down .2 lbs (I'll take whatever I can get). This week down .4 lbs. Still not as much as what my spreadsheet say I should lose, but I will take it. I know it will add up in the end. Been eating more to weigh less for the last 4-5 weeks.

So here are my stats:
173.6 (as this morning)
21% BF according to trainer using caliper (lots of loose skin though)
TDEE average about 2300 calories
eating at about 2000 (give or take a little)
Exercise- 2 days of strength training with trainer (for 1/2 hour) and 3-4 days a week of cardio/running (30-45 minutes)

I always have one cheat day (usually Fridays) and always over and have a surplus of calories on that day.
Owner and wearer of BMF armband and use HRM during workouts.

And I have hashimotos hypothyroidism

Add me if you like!

Oh and started with the MFP guidelines eating very little and not eating back exercise calories. It worked for almost a year and then I stalled.


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Wow, slow and steady is awesome...especially when you don't have to starve and you still lose. I rather enjoy the journey ...but a slower journey, then to be miserable like I was at 1500 cals...lol.

    You rock!!!

  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    :happy: Yeah! May this be it!! Congrats!
    I'm also 5'5, would love to add you.
    I also got my scale movement (and 3 month plateau break) last week after 5 weeks of eating more.
    Love your bf %!!! Thats great!
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    :happy: Yeah! May this be it!! Congrats!
    I'm also 5'5, would love to add you.
    I also got my scale movement (and 3 month plateau break) last week after 5 weeks of eating more.
    Love your bf %!!! Thats great!

    Thanks. I still have a hard time believing my trainer. She measured me 3 times in each spot. She said I have a lot of loose skin. When I started I had it done with the handheld thing and I measured 47%, then a few month later had it measured again with the same device and it was 35%. When I first started working out with her I was down to 24%. After 6 weeks, down to 21%, so I don't even know if that is possible, but I will take it. I am starting to get some definition now in my legs and arms, so maybe the fat and skin is shrinking away....
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    21% BF is so awesome, great job!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Congrats on your break through! My scale is having the opposite reflection of yours, how funny is that?
    I too am 5'5" and in the 170's. Sending a FR!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Five months stalled?? Ouch. Congrats on the breakthrough. I certainly believe you are on the right track now. Stay consistent, keep up the good work !!
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    Got on the scale this morning and down another .4 lbs....didn't work out yesterday, but did do some shopping....so I am still hoping this will continue....anyone else do this after a major stall.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    I have been stalled for a few months now as well, this is my third week upping my calories, no movement either way yet. I should quit being tempted my the scale..sigh... I know people in this group have pledged not to weigh for a month, I probably should jump on board:drinker:
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    I have been stalled for a few months now as well, this is my third week upping my calories, no movement either way yet. I should quit being tempted my the scale..sigh... I know people in this group have pledged not to weigh for a month, I probably should jump on board:drinker:

    Keep it up. It was so hard for me to weigh and not see any movement. It was so frustrating and I moan and groaned about it. The only difference was I stayed consistent for about 3-4 weeks eating 1900-2000 calories a day. For a long time I was bouncing around every day. My workout routine hasn't changed, so I think just staying right at around 1900-2000 a day is what is helping. That goal is about my TDEE-15%. I only want to lose about 10 more pounds. I am also keeping a spreadsheet of my daily weight to see if I can see a trend.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Wooot woooot way to go girl!
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member

    Keep it up. It was so hard for me to weigh and not see any movement. It was so frustrating and I moan and groaned about it. The only difference was I stayed consistent for about 3-4 weeks eating 1900-2000 calories a day. For a long time I was bouncing around every day. My workout routine hasn't changed, so I think just staying right at around 1900-2000 a day is what is helping. That goal is about my TDEE-15%. I only want to lose about 10 more pounds. I am also keeping a spreadsheet of my daily weight to see if I can see a trend.

    Tha isn't a bad idea. I went from about 1200-1500 calories to just under 2000. I was never looking at my "net". I didn't understand that number until recently. I was with exercise netting about 900-1000 calories. But I was never hungry either. Guess everything stalled. So I am still early in, I think my problem is patience :huh: