How many calories? I am so confused!

Okay, I've been losing weight for about a year and a half now. I have lost about 40 pounds, but only 5 since I started on MFP. I was doing 1200 calories per day (which was suggested to lose pounds per week), then eating back exercise calories. This usually left me consuming about 1700 calories per day. This worked at first and I lost the last 5 pounds. Now I have been at the same weight for over two months. I have about 10 pounds left to lose and I would really like to get it done so I can just maintain!!

I just joined this group and I want to make sure I am doing this correctly...

TDEE 2369
-15% 2012
BMR 1528
I exercise 6-7 times a week, burning between 400 and 500 calories each workout
I have a desk job during the day

Now, the exercise question. I LOVE to exercise, and I exercise 6-7 days a week, for about 45 minutes each day. I don't want to cut back on my exercise because I'm afraid I'll just end up quitting exercise altogether eventually and then I will gain all of my weight back. Plus I don't want to be just thin, I want to be in shape! So say I exercise everyday and burn about 500 calories each time, how many calories should I be eating to lose weight? I'm not asking how many I should "net" I am asking how many calories I should put in my mouth! Please help me!


  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hard to say since some may consider the length of time you've been doing 1200 long enough to need a Metabolism Reset where you would eat at your TDEE for 6-8 weeks or more.

    I'd say eat the 2012 at the minimum.
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    Did you try inputting your numbers in scoobys workshop? Pick your activity level, which seems to be 5-6 hours exercise a week and choose a cut of 15%. Te numbers will tell you how much you should put in your moth a day with or without exercise.
  • stephbo4
    stephbo4 Posts: 26
    I did put that in and it came up with 2007 calories a day. That seems insane to me...I don't know if I can eat that much! It seems like a TON!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    It might seem like a ton at first but it's only about 300 calories more than the 1700 you were eating. That would be a glass of milk and a handful of almonds.

    Or a greek yogurt with some fruit.

    Or peanut butter on a banana.

    It's really only one more snack per day than what you were mostly eating before.

    Choose calorie rich and nutrient dense foods and you will get to 2000 without batting an eye.