Day Three

Hallo everyone! I'm on Day Three and feeling great. I'm not hungry or tired - or worse hangry (hungry + angry).
I've just discovered my lovely breakfast pancakes have 1 tablespoon more Oat Bran in them than we are supposed to have each day but I'm not too concerned. I'll exercise and probably extend my "Attack Phase" by an extra day or two.

I have friends who have done (are doing) this lifestyle and have had amazing success.
Another friend started the same day I did and another is starting next week.

I've been big all my life and I don't want to be any more.
I love meat (I like vegetables too) - but I think the key is that Dukan teaches you to think about what you are shoving in your gob.

Fingers crossed!! Here we go.



  • cathmcb
    cathmcb Posts: 26
    Hi tara,
    How´s it going ?
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Today is my Day 3. Day 1 and Day 2 went quite well. Looks like I am out of the hungry state.