*Wednesday Weigh In - Week 2!*



  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    CSW: 178
    LWW: 178
    CW: 172.2
    LO: 4.8
    TLO: 4.8
  • Marcy31
    Marcy31 Posts: 53
    (Challenge Starting Weight, Last Weeks Weight, Current Weight, Loss Of, and Total Loss Of)


  • mongohungry1
    mongohungry1 Posts: 19 Member
    On top of using "MFP" im also using another app on my Droid "Workout Trainer" to do exercise as well as surfing,bike riding and walking the dog for 20 mins at a moderate pace.
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    LO: 1
    TLO: 3
  • lagizzle
    lagizzle Posts: 4

    CSW: 169.5
    LWW: 168.5
    CW: 167.5
    LO: 1 lb
    TLO: 2lb
  • ritzema5
    ritzema5 Posts: 57 Member
    CSW: 166
    LWW: 164
    CW: 164
    LO: 0
    TLO: 2

    No weight loss for me this week. I've been under calorie goal and exericising, but there have been too many stressful things and too much busy-ness. My church is in the middle of Vacation Bible School and I'm the music director, plus write and direct the daily skits. That adds way too much stress in my life, which leads to eating the wrong food, which means no weight loss. It will get better!
  • GeorgiaWin
    GeorgiaWin Posts: 23 Member
    CSW: 184
    LWW: 180
    CW: 177
    LO: 2
  • wafflesandiron
    wafflesandiron Posts: 15 Member
    HT 5'2"
    HW 175
    SW 157
    LW 156
    CW 156
    GW 125

    None lost since last week. I fell off the wagon over the weekend and then had to reign myself back in over the last two days.
  • piperpooh
    piperpooh Posts: 15
    I worked out a LOT this past week. I've found that if I put in 30 min of cardio I can allow myself potions of sweet treats so I don't end up bingeing on chocolate ice cream! Also recognizing my emotional eating and trying to combat it with fresh fruits and veggies. It has worked thus far.. I am really hoping that next week will be another 1-2 lbs. :) Have a great week everyone!

    CSW: 169
    LWW: 167
    CW: 165
    LO: 2
  • tara157
    tara157 Posts: 3 Member
    gained 1lb but it's ok will be losing next weigh in.
  • Flyjsh
    Flyjsh Posts: 24
    Challenge Starting Weight: 215
    Last Weeks Weight: 210
    Current Weight: 206
    Loss Of: 4
    Total Loss Of: 9

    Increased my exercise from 5 days per week to everyday. Also, eased off on the pace (bicycling) a bit to increase the miles ridden and calories burned (from roughly 450 to 630 per day).
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    6/13 Weigh In

    Height: 5'8

    Challenge Starting Weight:178
    Last Weeks Weight: 182.2
    Current Weight: 177
    Loss-5.2 pounds
    Total Loss: 1 pound

    Yay, my vacation bloat is gone plus a pound! Goal for next week is 1.5 pounds.
  • Betrbleave
    Betrbleave Posts: 37
    CSW: 250
    LWW: 250
    CW: 140
    Loss- 10 lbs
    Total loss: 20 lbs

    Woo! I think I need to start running and doing other exercises.
  • czuniga03
    czuniga03 Posts: 99
    CSW: 157 lbs
    LWW: 155 lbs
    CW: 153 lbs
    LO: 2 lbs
    TLO: 4 lbs
  • TiaLang
    TiaLang Posts: 8 Member
    CSW: 154 LB
    LWW: 153 LB
    CW: 152 LB
    LO: 1 LB
    TLO: 2 LB
  • mrmv
    mrmv Posts: 95
    SW 142
    CW 140
    Lost 1 lb this week
  • stompee
    stompee Posts: 15
    SW: 135
    LW: 134
    CW: 137
    :) oops. oh well. Start over tomorrow!
  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
    201.2 pretty much the same. :)
  • elabaran
    elabaran Posts: 11 Member
    CSW: 260
    LWW: 250
    CW: 250
    LO: 0
    TLO: 10

    Getting more tone, so I think gaining muscle :tongue:
  • alan623
    alan623 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello All, I'm currently camping with my family and don't have access to a scale for this weeks weigh-in. I've been pretty good on my food and my activity has certainly been increased. I think I have lost, but since I do not know for sure I am posting my results from last week.

    SW- 192
    CW - 191-