For weightlifters, tell me about recovery weeks

jomatho Posts: 311 Member
Do you take them?
How often do you take them?
Do you jump right back in where you were the week prior?
Do you notice a loss/gain of strength after?
Do you notice the scale evens out or changes?

I caught a nasty upper respiratory bug this past weekend and have been sick as a dog since Friday. Finally on antibiotics and starting to feel more human, but have been unable to workout. I decided since I was about 6 weeks into my program I am doing, that I would consider this my recovery week that I have been contemplating. I haven't gotten far enough into a weight lifting program before to need one, so I thought I would ask everyone else how they handle them and what they experience. Thanks for any advice, I am still a newbie!


  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    I'm doing NROLFW and he works break weeks into the program. I took one after stage 1 (which lasted 6 weeks or so) and then began the next stage of the program. I am thankful for the guidance the program provides because I'm newer to lifting and would not be sure of when to do what. I think in general people take breaks every 8-10 weeks.

    I think breaks are super important. It gives your body a break and allows it to heal any minor sprains or aches and rebuild the muscle. I know I took measurements the day after finishing and then again after my week break and I was down more inches after the break. I also felt so ready and energized to go into the next stage. I felt like my body was getting firmer and changing during my rest week and just enjoyed that I had worked hard and was taking some free time. I was still careful with my eating and hitting my macros, esp paying attention to my protein.

    I know some people feel like a rest week makes them want another rest week and then another, but I felt the opposite. I feel like I can keep going knowing I can take time off and while I'm off I look forward to lifting again.

    I'm sick right now too...grrr. I was supposed to lift yesterday and couldn't. I'm not feeling the best still today but I'm going to try to get back on track since next week I'll have to take an unscheduled break for travel. So I say just get back into when you can. Stuff comes up and you'll need to work around it.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Honestly I just follow what my body tells me. I also am doing New Rules and I've had some breaks due to travel and what not, but am actually on a break now just because I'm tired. I was hoping to finish the stage I'm in before taking a break, but it's just not working that way. Rest weeks are very important and if you can schedule them, great, but be sure not to push if you're body is telling you it's time for a break.
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    I love my rest weeks. So far I took one part way through Phase 1 (I was sick twice in those 6 weeks and burned out shortly before the end) and then between each phase. I'm now on phase 3. I've found my brain really needs the rest although you have to go in knowing that you'll start up again or else it gets really hard. I've lost weight in both rest periods and feel less bloated. Course once I start again I puff up :( I haven't had a problem starting at the same weight, Usually for the first set I go slightly lighter just to see how it goes.

    Edit: typo
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Im getting better at my rest weeks but it can be kind of hard to remember they are important!

    I usually schedule a rest week every 4-6 weeks. I try to mostly stick to lighter cardio, yoga, stretching, walks, etc. but sometimes I will do some lighter circuit type workouts. It can be difficult for me to remember that rest is where the magic happens.

    I usually change my lifting schedule about every 4-6 weeks, so usually I just jump into whatever my next phase was going to be. The first few days I do notice that I may have to scale the weights back a tiny bit, but then I seem to come back strong!

    Usually I notice that since the water retention in the muscles goes down, I usually see a loss on the scale. I've heard a lot of people say that they feel like they can get a "true" weigh in at the end of a rest week.

    Hope that helps!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    I'm also doing NR, but don't really take rest weeks. This probably makes me bad, but I really don't want to. Now, I have been sick twice and both of those times I took a few days off, but never a full week.

    Glad you are enjoying the program!
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I will be taking one next week! Just doing Yoga and a little bit of cardio.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I try to take one every two months or so. No lifting, eat at TDEE, do soft tissue work, organize my workout journals, clean up my workout space, that sort of thing.

    When I come back I come right back to where I was in my workouts. I don't count weeks of illness and true recovery weeks because my body is busy it's NOT a real week off and rest for my CNS if I'm recovering from illness or surgery.

    That first week back after a rest week is always awesome- I love it! Feels so good to get back to it- recharged!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you all so much for your replies and advice. I learn something new every day and love to find out how others do things. I am always a work in progress.
    Still not feeling up to working out (but feeling better than I was), so I will end up taking the whole week off. I will attempt to lift this weekend, even if it is a lighter version and I will keep going from there, hopefully.
    I think I will try to either schedule in breaks periodically or just take them when needed from now on instead of fretting about losing ground or something.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I am doing the Cathe STS program and she does a rest week after every four week cycle. Where I couldn't imagine before taking a break, I now look forward to I feel stronger when I come back. I get a true weight by the end of the recovery week because the muscles are nice and recovered:wink:

    It is so important to take a break, especially as women to allow the joints and tendons to heal after the hard demands we place on them during our lift sessions.

    I now LOVE them and when I finish this last meso, I will continue to use periodization to plan workouts and have recovery week after each cycle.
