Finally hopped on the scale

graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
I hadn't weighed myself in over 6 weeks but felt that I needed to today. 160. Up 7lbs. Gained all the weight I lost after Christmas plus a couple. Inches are up...still haven't tried on my jeans. I don't need to. They won't fit.

It feels like a big relief actually. I finally know the "damage". LOL. I talked with a trainer last night and I'm meeting with him on Friday (sometimes it pays working at a gym!) and he's going to give me some exercises to do on my own. I told him I don't care about the scale, but I want my body composition to change. I bought the Women's Guide but didn't really "get" how to do the workouts. I'm thinking this will help. Today I'm teaching 3 classes, so I'll keep my 2550 cals, but I'm going to reel it back in to 22-2400 a day. I think that will be enough to keep me totally satisfied, but might help me fit back in my clothes. Yesterday I hit my wall being squeezed into my Combat shorts. I felt gross teaching in front of everyone, busting out of my clothes. I just can't do that anymore. I'm hoping finding some new weight workouts will help!


  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    Yep, I'm up to about 150- I WAS at 143ish. Very disappointing. Hopefully the trainer can help you get your body composition going, then the scale wont matter!! :)

    Of course I say that and I still fixate on the scale, even when I know I'm better than I was... *sigh* I hate the scale.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    I'm up in 160's as well. but its ok.. I'm giong to lose it healthy when we are ready to do the cut ;)<3
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm already in my cut. I'm too chicken to do a reset. A big bow to you for having the strength!! :drinker:
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I hope the trainer can point you in the right direction as for exercises! I am in the 160s also but I plan to keep plugging away until I see a drop! Great job holding out 6 weeks you did better than me!!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Yeah I just had to do it. My body needs to trust me again, then I will be able to do the cut when my body realize ok... now you are much less than what you have been eating lately (8 weeks) and start losing...
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I am up too, but I am tired of worrying about it. it will come off eventually and hopefully it will stay off once I am doing the cut.
  • jwkime
    jwkime Posts: 37
    I got on the scale last Friday (6 weeks in). I initially gained 5 lbs, was down a whopping 0.8 since then - ha, ha. However, my measurements have stayed the same, although in my pics my lower tummy is noticable "poofier" and I seemed to have stopped gaining. I'm hoping I'm near the turning point for all this. The big change I see is in my stress level and relationship with my family, I'm no longer obsessing over what I can and can't eat, making it difficult for them when we are traveling and we have to go somewhere special or different "so mom can eat". I'm thinking if this helps make things less stressful for them and me, the 5 lbs right now is worth it. I'm still strength training, started NROLFW on Monday and got a BMF last week. Hopefully the combination of things will help me out going forward and I'll start to see some real change. I'm interested to see my TDEE based off my BMF for one week, vs. the calculators on various websites. Right now it's trending about 400 to 500 calories more than the websites, so I'm sure I'll be posting on that soon. Hang in there!!!! My goal is to get fit before our November vacation (10 year honeymoon since we never had one due to Army deployments). I'm hoping that will give me enough time to get close!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    The weight wouldn't bother me if something else was down. I hear you. Inches are up AND BF% is up. I really thought those would have done down by now. The trouble with not going on the scale is I have no idea if this is a trend down or not. I may have been higher before! I don't know! LOL