new to the group

reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
hey guys, just looking for a little bit of aid here. hit a plateau about 2 months ago, and have been a steady 190 give or take a few pounds. looking to spark some new loss. i lift about 5-6 days/week, and do short 20 minute cardio sessions twice per day, where i vary it between different activities and intensities (i.e. HIIT vs LISS, etc). the hand-held body fat analyzer puts me at about 16.6% body fat, give or take .5% depending on when I use it. I'm 5'7", and like i said, about 190, and I've been eating around 2150 kcals, but I attempt to carb cycle and carb taper throughout the day.

my question is does this seem like enough or do i still need to bump it up? when I lost the first 20 mfp had me at about 1800 kcals, and when that stopped i started trying to eat more and do the cycling, but i'm still stuck. any ideas?



  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    bumping and saying that I just opened up my food diary. i don't keep track of exercise calories because i manually set my calories
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    Hi and welcome :)

    Plug your info into the calculator to get an idea of what your TDEE is per day and what your cut should be
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    great, thank you! so when everyone started upping their calories back up, what sort of weight gain can i expect initially? i'm not too worried about it, especially because i am able to keep track of my bf%, so as long as that isn't going up too fast i'll be alright.
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    seems to be different for everyone. some people just went up a day or two and then started losing. Others gained for quite a few weeks before it broke. I'm guessing it has something to do with how badly affected your metabolism is from the low calorie diets.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi and welcome to the group

    I am certainly not an expert when it comes to weight lifting, but what I know, is 5/6 times a week of heavy lifting too much. You don't give your body time to recover between your sessions.

    Most people on here do heavy lifting 3 times a week and maybe some cardio in between.

    As for the eating. Depends what you want to achieve and how your diet was before. If you have been on low cals for a while you want to consider a metabolism reset as pp stated. That means eating TDEE for about 6-8 weeks, and then go into a 10-15% cut to lose. You might be gaining some weight, but it should come off eventually, once you have fired up your metabolsim and fuel your body.

    The macros I use is 40 KH, 30 fat and 30 protein.
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    right on. i guess i should say it ranges more between 4-6 days/week. but it ranges throughout the year. i used to be a college athlete, and still compete in various sport occasionally, so when i consider myself to be in the "off-season" i'm used to lifting 5 days a week. i guess it's just a form of habit, and i enjoy my time in the weight room. i will look into going for the 6-8 weeks since i'm not worried about making weight and see if i can get this reset. also, i have my macros set at that exact same ratio, so thanks for sharing