Is EM2LW for me?

I'm not looking to lose a ton of weight, maybe 20 pounds, but here's the kicker: I have not fed my metabolism right for about 4 years. Without going into detail, I'm sure I have slowed it down a lot over the years. I tried eating more once, about 6 months ago, but all I did was gain weight!

I'm 5' 4" and on the heavier end of average, and I don't want to gain too much more weight before I could lose some, however, I would (almost) gladly gain five pounds if that means I could lose ten. I have not been eating my exercise calories back, and never exceed 1,200 calories a day. Usually my exercise is either: a 3.25 mile run, 45 min. zumba class, or half an hour of plyometrics/circuit training a day, with occasional half hour/2 mile walks thrown in on top of that. I'm almost never hungry though, so I wouldn't think it would be a problem except that I have been feeling less than energetic in my workouts these past few days.

Any help, advice, or "success stories" of people like me would be appreciated. Mostly, I am just looking to be at peace with my body and the One who created it.


  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Hi, I see from your profile your young so if you can get your eating right now you'll be able to keep in control of it for life!

    If you can accept this as a jounrney rather than a quick fix then losing 20lb slowly will help ensure it stays off!

    Have a look at the stickies for working out your bmr & tdee, thats your first step.

    You need to fuel all your workouts : ) if you've been at low cal for a while you may want to do the reset to get your body used to being fuelled again. Once you start eating more you will find your appetite kicks back in, it does get easier : )

    Hopefully some more people will be along to help advise you : )
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Welcome welcome!

    Oh my, you sound like the perfect candidate for a full Metabolic reset. The TDEE sticky has the Scooby calculator which you can use to calc your numbers, you eat TDEE for 8 wks. Make sure to chose the correct activity level and you shouldn't have to eat back any extra calories.

    Read What to expect when Upping. Watch some of the videos in the New vids link. And for success stories they are all through the thread, but the stickies have some uplifting stories that will help keep you motivated through the process.

    Oh almost forgot there is a thread just for those doing the reset, be active in there too!

  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Hey there!! I was going to run your numbers for you but didn't have any info to work with....The site recommended on here is

    You should probably do the Metabolism Reset b/c like me you have been doing VLCD for years and it is the best way to start out in my opinion...Just find out your TDEE and eat at that number for 6-8wks and then go to your CUT amount which is -15% of TDEE....I hope this helps you out and I am sure one of the moderators will be here to talk to you as well but for now just check your numbers and see what you come up with....Also, remember to NEVER eat below your BMR.... I hope this helps!! Best of luck...This group is very supportive I know you will love it!! :)

    ETA: When you eat your TDEE amount exercise is included so do NOT eat back exercise calories unless your NET goes below your BMR... :)
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    You are so young - 4 years? I have been messing up my body for almost 30 years and it still works so go for it. I did gain a pound or two in my third week but I am back to losing a pound a week. I already lost 29 so 20 should work for you. Best of luck - you can save 25 years of misery if you kick this now instead of waiting until you are 44 like me & 80--00 pounds overweight!
  • Yes, I know, I'm young. When the quest for perfection is strong, one will do anything for it.

    However, what's past is past, and thanks to (everyone's) encouragement, I WILL try this! Thank you - y'all are so sweet!

    (I should also probably add that I'm comfortable at this weight, except even with such a low calorie deficit, am rather frustrated to be gaining bit by bit, and that's why I joined the group. Crazy "teenage" girl, I know! ;) )