


  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Kinda of off topic a little but Its so funny in this group how young single people can give advice to someone much older and much wiser. Its kinda like working out, people on here give advice after only being on this site for a little while and working out for 5 minutes are now an authority to give advice. What works for someone in their 20's, never married with no kids doesn't necessarily work for someone who is in his forty's,divorced and a full time father. If you haven't been there or done that its probably better to just listen for now. People who think they know it all will never learn anything else because of that. Being wise is what you learn after you think you know it all.
    I've asked my grandfather to provide you dating advice. He should be contacting you soon... :laugh:

    Perhaps I should add a disclaimer at the end of my posts (since I indeed post and provide advice from time to time) to say:
    "What works for someone in their 20's, never married with no kids doesn't necessarily work for someone who is in his forty's,divorced and a full time father." Although I thought it was kind of obvious and I think it might get a bit boring to do this repeatedly...

    To be perfectly honest with you though, I think most people will listen to the advice they want, and that's how it should be... So I think there is no harm done if the younger crowd posts advice as well.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Kinda of off topic a little but Its so funny in this group how young single people can give advice to someone much older and much wiser. Its kinda like working out, people on here give advice after only being on this site for a little while and working out for 5 minutes are now an authority to give advice. What works for someone in their 20's, never married with no kids doesn't necessarily work for someone who is in his forty's,divorced and a full time father. If you haven't been there or done that its probably better to just listen for now. People who think they know it all will never learn anything else because of that. Being wise is what you learn after you think you know it all.

    Sorry man but this is dumb! I think this group works great because there is such a variety... from virgin to 3 failed marriages. Everyone is different and just because you have a larger # (age) doesn't mean you have lived a larger life.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    True^ and just because you can open your mouth and reveal your true knowledge of what little bit of life you've experienced doesn't mean you should.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    True^ and just because you can open your mouth and reveal your true knowledge of what little bit of life you've experienced doesn't mean you should.
    Dude, here is a suggestion for you: create a new group that you call "Single Peeps 40+!" and just give us a break.

    Thank you, goodbye and have fun with your friends!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Kinda of off topic a little but Its so funny in this group how young single people can give advice to someone much older and much wiser. Its kinda like working out, people on here give advice after only being on this site for a little while and working out for 5 minutes are now an authority to give advice. What works for someone in their 20's, never married with no kids doesn't necessarily work for someone who is in his forty's,divorced and a full time father. If you haven't been there or done that its probably better to just listen for now. People who think they know it all will never learn anything else because of that. Being wise is what you learn after you think you know it all.

    Sorry man but this is dumb! I think this group works great because there is such a variety... from virgin to 3 failed marriages. Everyone is different and just because you have a larger # (age) doesn't mean you have lived a larger life.

    I agree with poncho. Although I am only 25 years old and have yet to live any of my life yet, this group works really well because of the diversity.

    You have to think, some people are good at dating. They're naturally people people. Some people are better at relationships because that's just who they are. Some people are always gonna be socially awkward or suck at relationships no matter how old they are.

    If finding love is truly important to you, but you're not doing it because of having kids and bills to pay, then you're just making up excuses.

    Same thing as the excuses we all make when we put on extra weight. "Oh, I just don't have time to go to the gym."

    "Oh, I just don't have time to meet people. I have more important things."

    Well good, stay that way. If you're not going to put effort into a relationship and use your responsibilities as an excuse, then you're not ready.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Kinda of off topic a little but Its so funny in this group how young single people can give advice to someone much older and much wiser. Its kinda like working out, people on here give advice after only being on this site for a little while and working out for 5 minutes are now an authority to give advice. What works for someone in their 20's, never married with no kids doesn't necessarily work for someone who is in his forty's,divorced and a full time father. If you haven't been there or done that its probably better to just listen for now. People who think they know it all will never learn anything else because of that. Being wise is what you learn after you think you know it all.
    Uh...okay oh wise one <bow>. I have to admit, I have no clue what type of advice you're talking about. But just because you're older, divorced, and have kids doesn't make you an expert on everything (or anything). Take my advice, don't be so closed minded.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It's been almost six years since I dated, most of three in a relationship, most of three alone. Ugh! I so don't want to date again! I wish I had one of my friends with benefits back, but you know the problem with them, just when you realize how great a setup that is, they all get married on you! And I don't share, and I don't take what belongs to someone else.

    So meh. Tired of being alone, but so don't want to date!
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    So Im in my 30's divorced with kids. I love this group the way it is I love the view point of people who are at different ages.... BTW I have a full time job 2 kids and I still go out. I'm not good at dating but I'm great at hanging out and flirting lol..... I also juggle well....
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Kinda of off topic a little but Its so funny in this group how young single people can give advice to someone much older and much wiser. Its kinda like working out, people on here give advice after only being on this site for a little while and working out for 5 minutes are now an authority to give advice. What works for someone in their 20's, never married with no kids doesn't necessarily work for someone who is in his forty's,divorced and a full time father. If you haven't been there or done that its probably better to just listen for now. People who think they know it all will never learn anything else because of that. Being wise is what you learn after you think you know it all.

    I dont really know if this came across the way you meant it, but it sounds very patronising and very narrow minded.

    Age is not necessarily indicative of wisdom!!

    And as for experience: I'm 48 and never been married. Yet Ashley is 25 and married twice!! So age isn't indicative of experience either!!

    I think everyone should have a voice in this world. You can learn something from a 5 year old! Opinions can be based on anything: individual experience, a friend/parents experience, or society as whole, from logic or values/morals, what continent you live on, what race/religion/creed you are,reading a book......whatever!! Everyone, for whatever reason, is entitled to their opinion.

    Up to you if you choose to read/listen or not :flowerforyou:
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I have recently decided to jump back into the dating scene after a hiatus. I work a lot, but I have the time for a man ya know? Good luck to all of you out there!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    It's tough to date as a full time single parent (and by that, I mean with very few "breaks" or "weekends off" like most single parents get). I travel a LOT for work, and my son is my first priority. So I know I can't give anyone 100% of me toward a full relationship. But when I am home and especially as my son gets more involved in activities that give me a couple hours here and there it's really nice to have a date.

    Tim, I know you don't like the idea of dating sites... but as a busy single mom I haven't found any better way to meet men. The men I run into during my day-to-day are usually married dads whose kids are in activities with mine. Of course, me and a gaggle of my best chicas will be in ATL next week, if ya wanna test the waters, lol!
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    True^ and just because you can open your mouth and reveal your true knowledge of what little bit of life you've experienced doesn't mean you should.

    You sir are a muppet.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Just a quick request to debate without attacking - thanks guys!
  • MrSunshine2
    MrSunshine2 Posts: 3 Member
    Has anyone here tried out I came across it recently and it sounds intriguing. Curious to know if anyone has had any experiences or even met someone through the platform. Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback! Cheers!