Falling Out = ..Okay?

moochachip Posts: 237 Member
On my week off from week 3, I did a fitness class called R.I.P.P.E.D - Which stands for Resistance Intensity, Power, Plyometrics, Endurance, and Diet. This class has us using free weights, doing lifts as well as different aerobics like kickboxing. I fell in love, and so one of my three workout days at the gym has turned into that class. Which I figured was okay. I was still getting weigh training in, and had my two other days to lift per rules of NRoL.

This week, I signed up for a beginning class on Dynamic Fitness. Basically my gym has different pieces of equipment that you use your body, instead of weights, to strengthen yourself. I had a great time (and REALLY felt the burn), and signed up for a class next week.

..So my two days of NRoL has turned into one. Anyone think this is problematic? Part of me feels like I am still getting my strength workouts in, although they don't all follow Alwyn Cosgrove's program. The other part of me is hesitant - While I am still workin hard, will I still make progress?

What do you guys think? Due to my schedule I cannot make it to the gym other then these three days, but do run and bike on those other days.


  • isa75
    isa75 Posts: 156 Member
    I think there is more than one way to skin a cat.

    It sounds like you are getting some great work outs, and mixing it up to keep it entertaining. Agree that, no you are no longer doing the plan as described and since not lifting with weights, it will probably take longer for you to be lifting heavy heavy, but I guess if that still fits in with whatever your ultimate goals are, why should that be a problem?
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Sounds like you love the overall program of exercise you are doing, so I wouldn't worry too much. Unless your goal is to follow NRoL exactly of course :laugh: Your progress will be slower - but you are still strengh training in your other days, so it should balance out.
    As long as you are enjoying it and getting what you want from it, I say go for it!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    as long as you are moving your booty that's all that matters!!