Online dating profile critiques?



  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Fab!! Just what I need!! I'll be posting mine for a critique when i get home!!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    It's definitely not your photos because you're totally hot. Are you messaging girls that say they are looking for a relationship? Your profile clearly states "nothing serious". Just be sure the girls you message are like minded. But yeah, I'd message you back....if I was only 7 years younger! LOL

    ^^ This and then again me I would think he is super hot and he would not be interested in me lol
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    You're right, it's 90% pics and I think you could improve a bit on your pics. It's not your face though (:wink: ), it's probably more the context.
    I'd remove the picture of my mum, it's cute and all but I find it cheesy. Add a few more pics of you doing stuff, having fun...

    Agreed. I'm severely lacking these. Im usually the photographer in my group of friends and end up behind the lenses instead of in front of it... I'll get some better ones in the next couple weeks
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey - I`d love to get some advice on my profile!

    I`m on OKC and my handle is politicschic

    I`d love some honest feedback. Don`t bother sparing my feelings :wink:
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'd venture to bet a lot of us have profiles on various sites. I personally am puzzled why I seem to get ok traffic but rarely responses to messages. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Just seeing if people would be interested in posting their profiles and being open to what others think, I'd really really like to finally get some dates.

    I was gonna add you as a friend on here, but you're one of those elitists who think you need a message, and well, I don't write messages.

    Try changing your profile picture up, might help.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    I'd venture to bet a lot of us have profiles on various sites. I personally am puzzled why I seem to get ok traffic but rarely responses to messages. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Just seeing if people would be interested in posting their profiles and being open to what others think, I'd really really like to finally get some dates.

    I was gonna add you as a friend on here, but you're one of those elitists who think you need a message, and well, I don't write messages.

    Try changing your profile picture up, might help.

    You typing that garbage took more effort than typing 1 sentence in a friend request, go figure. Take your attitude problem elsewhere.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    The only "red flag" I see is that in your POF profile, you say you want to date but want nothing serious. To me, that screams "I want sex and that's it." If that is your intent, great. But if not, change it to something else because that is the vibe you are putting off. But otherwise I think it is fine!
    Maybe girls are digging the beard. My user name is the same over there if anyone wants to check it out.

    Just creeped you lol, and I gotta say that I am really digging the beard. I think it is a really good look on you and you should keep it!! :)
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm not an expert, but I do have a little feedback that you can take or leave.

    Your profile reads like a resume. It sounds like it is describing a decent, normal dude, but there is nothing that makes it really stand out. There are thousands upon thousands of profiles out there and I believe that you need to do something different to catch someone's eye.

    Try visiting 50 other guys' profiles to check them out. Probably create another account to do this so they don't think you are perving on them. You'll see that most of them could be completely interchangeable with yours. I could write your profile without having ever met you and applied it to you and probably a lot of people you know.

    Maybe try some humor? Talk about something really interesting that happened to you recently or that you are planning to do that could potentially involve them?

    Good luck with it bro! I hope I didn't come off as too critical, just a thought from someone who has so-so results. Personally, I also don't reply to girls whose profiles look like they might have been typed by their mothers.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Hey - I`d love to get some advice on my profile!

    I`m on OKC and my handle is politicschic

    I`d love some honest feedback. Don`t bother sparing my feelings :wink:
    Honestly, my only problem might be the fact that you say you're not the serious relationship type. I feel like there are a handful of people that are looking for just a fling or new friends, but the majority deep down are looking for something more meaningful. You definitely seem like someone I could grab a beer with, but if I'm looking for a relationship I might focus my efforts elsewhere.
    Just creeped you lol, and I gotta say that I am really digging the beard. I think it is a really good look on you and you should keep it!! :)
    Thanks!! Seems like a lot of people like it, I'll definitely keep it around for a while.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey - I`d love to get some advice on my profile!

    I`m on OKC and my handle is politicschic

    I`d love some honest feedback. Don`t bother sparing my feelings :wink:
    Honestly, my only problem might be the fact that you say you're not the serious relationship type. I feel like there are a handful of people that are looking for just a fling or new friends, but the majority deep down are looking for something more meaningful. You definitely seem like someone I could grab a beer with, but if I'm looking for a relationship I might focus my efforts elsewhere.
    And I think that is exactly why I've included it. This isn't my first "rodeo" so to speak - and I know what I want. I've been on dating sites before and the last thing I want to do is mislead anyone. It ends in disappointment for all parties involved. Don't you think it's better to be honest about what you actually want than to go out on dates with people looking for long-term commitment knowing full well that it isn't what you want or are able to give?

    This is a broader question, I suppose. I find that I am more likely to appreciate a dating profile that comes across as honest, if a bit off-putting, only because the superficial bullsh*t people post to get dates won't get them past the first one. I don't like wasting my time with people who have just written what they think women want to hear. If I know with great certainty that I am not interested in a long-term commitment or a relationship that is going to take over my life (ie. I just want to casually date and have some fun), why not volunteer that info at the outset?

    I think that for the most part I am much more likely to respond to a guy if his profile is a bit rough around the edges (read: doesn't look copy edited by the staff at Cosmo to try and catch my attention). I want to see some personality. Some humanity. Someone who knows and can appreciate his own strengths and weaknesses and find humour in them, instead of hiding them away or trying to mask them with cliche one-liners or stories demonstrating how cultured, well-traveled, or sophisticated his mom thinks he is...

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Here's the link to the study:

    First they found that "a hot woman receives roughly 4× the messages an average-looking woman gets, and 25× as many as an ugly one". Okay, no-brainer there. So, they plotted the number of messages a user gets based on several factors. It gets really interesting from there.
    I haven't read the study yet, but based on this brief explanation and the number of messages I get - this is a huge downer! haha Thanks! I guess I'm not as "incredibly good looking" as I thought I was... :wink:
  • joyzeejay
    joyzeejay Posts: 95 Member
    OMGooosh!! I'm done so much online dating I should write a book!!! A lot of it has been successful. The last relationship I got out of (we were together 2 years), I met him online. I've met some really interesting guys and most I've gone out with have been good guys. Let's see, when I was online (I've taken myself off), I got tons of messages and when I wrote to a guy, I usually received a response. Also, I've helped a few of my girl friends who were getting no responses write profiles and then their inbox would be flooded :) Two of them are now in serious relationships with guys they met with those profiles.

    Atjays - Good profile but, if I were younger, I wouldn't send you a message (no mean-ness intended), for a couple of reasons. 1) The "nothing serious"!!! It's nice that you're being honest; but that phrase is really off-putting. With online dating that SCREAMS, "I just want a one night stand/I'll break your heart." You wouldn't believe the number of men online who only want sex and are straightforward about it, so when I see that--it's like BAM! NOPE! Most women won't gravitate toward a man who doesn't want anything. So, even though you don't want anything serious, don't state it. ;) I'd suggest you say you're interested in a relationship.

    2) I agree with the guy who said your profile reads like a resume. I think it's good that you say you're finishing up school, are working, have plans for your life. It shows stability and looks like you're motivated/not a loser. However, it would be good for you to say more about what your hobby is/what you like to do. Is working out your hobby? Racing? Why? Maybe put something on there that's interesting and quirky. Maybe say something about what kind of guy you are in relationship to women: Do you like to treat your women well? Do you usually choose the wrong type, but are determined to choose the right kind this time? Something to make an emotional connection with women. said on a Friday nights, you like to watch a movie and stay in: Why? What kind of movies do you like to watch? Just put more personal stuff, so that a woman can relate. We connect through the heart and mind.

    3) Great pics but a couple of things with them say, subliminally, "desperate" -- too many pics and a pic of you with your mom. Maybe, put the late night IHOP as your main pic. Your smile with your thumb in front of your mouth and the way your eyes look away are intriguing. You look fun and like there's something hidden (women fall for that) and keep your racing pic. Drop the others. That way you come across as mysterious, great-looking with great eyes, and a racer. (Oh! And put a note in your profile..."Oh yes, that's really me on the bike...")

    Maybe I'm wrong...if I am, sorry! But, if it were me, and I were younger, I wouldn't respond to your profiles as they are. (Just being honest), but if you changed them, I would.

    Also, send out more messages...nothing ventured, nothing gained. You never know...

    @meagalayne - I tried to look at your profile but it says it's restricted to cupid users. I vowed to myself to stay off the online thing :) If you change it your restrictions, I'll check it out. But, if not...LOTs of luck.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of 5-10 couples I know who're married and met through an online dating site. So, it's possible.

    Good luck!!!
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    It works the same the other way around. OKC Trends blog actually did a study on this. The findings are ridiculous, and so interesting. The data nerd in me loved it!

    Here's the link to the study:

    First they found that "a hot woman receives roughly 4× the messages an average-looking woman gets, and 25× as many as an ugly one". Okay, no-brainer there. So, they plotted the number of messages a user gets based on several factors. It gets really interesting from there.

    I do think the survey is interesting. I can see the points they're making but think it's an awfully big leap to say you should play up your biggest flaws because some men will really find you interesting enough to message and it'll drive UP your connections. I think the idea works for things like tattoos or piercings, but as someone who doesn't fall into the preferred Body Type categories, I'm not looking to attract more men who like bigger women. I don't WANT to be a bigger woman and have worked hard to get this far. I'm certainly not about to play that up. I chose to put up a full body shot because I don't want anyone saying they're surprised, but that's about as far as I could go. But then, I've gotten two winks from really creepy guys so clearly my theory isn't working either, haha!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I'm a little late to this party, but I'm always down for some constructive criticism.... I'm on Match, and my handle is OP I couldn't see your profile. But I'll try again from a different computer.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    And I think that is exactly why I've included it. This isn't my first "rodeo" so to speak - and I know what I want. I've been on dating sites before and the last thing I want to do is mislead anyone. It ends in disappointment for all parties involved. Don't you think it's better to be honest about what you actually want than to go out on dates with people looking for long-term commitment knowing full well that it isn't what you want or are able to give?

    This is a broader question, I suppose. I find that I am more likely to appreciate a dating profile that comes across as honest, if a bit off-putting, only because the superficial bullsh*t people post to get dates won't get them past the first one. I don't like wasting my time with people who have just written what they think women want to hear. If I know with great certainty that I am not interested in a long-term commitment or a relationship that is going to take over my life (ie. I just want to casually date and have some fun), why not volunteer that info at the outset?

    I think that for the most part I am much more likely to respond to a guy if his profile is a bit rough around the edges (read: doesn't look copy edited by the staff at Cosmo to try and catch my attention). I want to see some personality. Some humanity. Someone who knows and can appreciate his own strengths and weaknesses and find humour in them, instead of hiding them away or trying to mask them with cliche one-liners or stories demonstrating how cultured, well-traveled, or sophisticated his mom thinks he is...

    It's definitely best to be honest up front and I'm not suggesting you change anything if that's the way you honestly feel. I'm just saying don't be too surprised if you don't get a lot of responses because I think a lot of people are looking for something more long term.

    I just went out with a "don't want anything serious" type of girl a few weeks ago. She said she's leaving the country at the end of the summer and just wants to have fun for a while. I don't mind making new friends and I like to have fun so I figured I'd just roll with it. So I had to do all the typical guy date stuff, I had to find a place to meet, I had to pay because she wasn't really working, and she showed up late. We had fun, just seemed like a lot of effort to put into something that's not going anywhere. I'd rather focus my efforts in finding something meaningful. I probably would have hung out with her again if she put any effort in but neither of us contacted each other after.

    Honestly it doesn't matter what a profile says half the time. They all say the same thing anyway. Pretty much I check out their pictures, see where they're located and if I'm still interested I'll read their profile. I will be more likely to email someone if their profile is interesting or funny though. With boring profiles I struggle to find something clever to comment on so I'll just write them a boring message.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Quick update on this - I took your advice Roadie and removed the one line about not wanting a serious relationship. I also changed my default profile pic to the one I am using on MFP.

    In the short term, it seems to have induced a flurry of activity and I've got several dates lined up for the next week.... Now it's just a matter of the *quality* of those dates, which is yet to be seen. I would much rather attract fewer dates that fit what I am looking for, than an onslaught of interests from people I am wasting my time with.

    Updates to come! Thanks for the suggestions :bigsmile:
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Quick update on this - I took your advice Roadie and removed the one line about not wanting a serious relationship. I also changed my default profile pic to the one I am using on MFP.

    In the short term, it seems to have induced a flurry of activity and I've got several dates lined up for the next week.... Now it's just a matter of the *quality* of those dates, which is yet to be seen. I would much rather attract fewer dates that fit what I am looking for, than an onslaught of interests from people I am wasting my time with.

    Updates to come! Thanks for the suggestions :bigsmile:
    Well congrats, glad I could help. If you're really sure about the not wanting anything serious thing it would probably be a good idea to let them know in the first couple emails. I just try to have an open mind about the whole thing, even if I don't meet my future wife I wouldn't mind making some new friends or a running buddy or something.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Today's matches included a guy who took an unflattering photo of himself (clothed) laying on his bed and possibly the shortest profile I've seen in the last couple months... gotta admire his honesty:
    In His Own Words

    I believe in being attracted by looks. If we like how we look then all of this will find it's place and time. So I'm not going to spend a lot of time describing myself here. I'm a human being. I make mistakes and I forgive mistakes. …

    What I like to do:I don't have much free time.
    My hot spots:East Texas

    That's the whole profile.
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    I am getting frustrated by online dating. I take time to read a guys profile so I spent some time writing out mine. I'll receive a few messages but they are few and far between. I have no.problem sending a gyy a message and I usually never hear back. So, I am thinking it must be my pics, which kinda sucks!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Today's matches included a guy who took an unflattering photo of himself (clothed) laying on his bed and possibly the shortest profile I've seen in the last couple months... gotta admire his honesty:
    In His Own Words

    I believe in being attracted by looks. If we like how we look then all of this will find it's place and time. So I'm not going to spend a lot of time describing myself here. I'm a human being. I make mistakes and I forgive mistakes. …

    What I like to do:I don't have much free time.
    My hot spots:East Texas

    That's the whole profile.
    Hahah! I love this...

    Here are some GEMS I received by PM this week (nothing cut - this is the full extent of each message):
    hmmm great profile, and a 94% MATCH!, i dont always look into the numbers, but we must be doing something right/ or in common ;)
    I will tell you, I'm just really busy

    find me on Facebook
    (included facebook link)
    You profile screams confidence, which is ultra sexy. Was there a catalyst to the change or just a life choice.
    If you send these kinds of messages to women you are interested in getting to know.... Sigh. Pathetic! Seriously folks! *headshake*