How much cardio is too much?

I have joined a running club and we do about 6 miles twice a week (tue's and thur's) I am also starting to do another run on a weekend (which will vary anywhere between 3 - 10 miles) I've started Insanity this morning but am not sure whether to do Insanity every day (or 6 days a week) as advised, or just do it on my non-running days.....


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    You will jhave to eat A LOT if you want to do Insanity and running

    I used to do Insanity 6 times a week and cut back now to three times, I do weight lifting the other three days.

    Too much cardio can back fire on your progress
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Yea that's kinda what I thought. Think I will just do it on non running days, but still give myself a rest day too, thanks :smile:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I say the only 'too much cardio' is when you can no longer eat for it. If you can eat 4000 cals a day then go for it and enjoy your life :) If you're struggling to keep 1800 cals coming in? Better to scale it back.

    Like any exercise, too much is where you're not recovering well, becoming injury-prone, not fueling for your lifestyle and not enjoying it anymore. Just my two cents.
  • Emilit_uk
    Emilit_uk Posts: 87
    I'm marathon training at the moment and runnig about 38+ miles per week, soon to be increasing over the next month. Sometimes I feel full of energy, and others I feel absolutely pooped. Your body sends pretty clear messages when its fatiqued or in need of extra cals; I'm sure, like me, you'll know when your overdue a rest day. Don't sweat it if you genuinely need to miss a workout to rest, its no biggie if you are truly in need of recovery time

    I would definately advise as in the above posts to make sure you eat plenty to maintain your level of activity, you'll feel so much better for it too
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Thanks everyone, good sound advice as usual, gona start off doing Insanity on my non running days, give myself a rest day unless I feel the urge. If after a few weeks I feel fit enough to up it a little bit, that's what I'll do....:flowerforyou: