
navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
Hi! I am new to this! My husband has done this is the past and has lost weight. I am a very structured person (the reason I am on MFP) so I usually take guidance from those who experience things. I LOVE fruit, but I am confused as to whether or not fruit is allowed. I have heard different things. "The sugar from fruit is ok", or "Any kinds of carbs, including fruit are bad". PLEASE HELP! :)

Thank you:)


  • Mindywv2003
    Mindywv2003 Posts: 62 Member
    Welcolm! As for my low carb experience, fruit is a downfall for me and will keep the scale from moving, due to the amount of sugar..even tho its natural sugar its still sweet which is danger for strict low carbers
    I loveee banannas and apples and when my potasium gets low (leg cramps) I will treat myself to one small bananna just to help with potassium levels.
    if you must have fruit have a few slices of strawberries (berries lowest in carbs) to have your fix :happy:

    this is just my opinoin as I'm sure you will get different ones on here :tongue:
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    Unless it is indigestable fiber carve are carve. Most fruits are loaded with sugar. Fructose or glucose doesn't really manner.
    You have to drastically limit your carbs to see a change in you appetite.
    Log everything you eat and you'll have no problem seeing what foods have your carve in them.

    Look at my food diary. You will not see much fruit. Last night, 50 gm of blueberries with my Greek yogurt.

    Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and on rare occasion 1/4 of a mango are about all I permit myself on low carb.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    Greek Yogurt is ok? I <3 greek yogurt..
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    Yes Greek yogurt is ok. You just can't overdoo as there are some carbs. The bacteria don't consume all of the lactose.
    I make my own yogurt using whole milk , ie 4% milkfat content. Then I strain it using a donvier yogurt maker and I have whole milk Greek yogurt. I save the liquid whey runoff and use in when I mix up a Whey protein shake.