
hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
It's been two weeks since I stepped on the scale. Some days I love it. Others I'm worried about it. I'm not sure why. My clothes fit fine, I feel good and I finally have the energy to workout so it makes a difference. How did I get so attached to a number I hardly share with anyone?


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Doctors did it for me- that and one really mean gym teacher. Scale weight is used to sell us everything from toothpaste to magazines and they aren't subtle about it.

    We went grocery shopping last night and every single magazine had some BS weight loss scheme on the cover. Even Oprah's mag. We may not notice each time we're exposed to the thinking- but the overall message gets through loud and clear.

    I still weigh myself- but now I have different goals. I want to bench 100lbs by the end of the year. I want to do a perfect squat. I want to get some awesome back definition. I want to compete in a Strongman.

    These put me out of 'weight loss and exercise' and into training mode- where the scale is only one tiny tool to be used. I'd much rather be an athlete than an exerciser. That mind switch has recently really helped me leave the scale behind. I still weigh myself but now I really don't care what the number says- I have a new metric for my success. :)
  • hollydohrman
    hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
    I forgot about getting weighed in gym. Who thought that was good for us?

    Thanks for your thoughts. I do feel better not weighing all the time and I am trying to focus on other goals but that darn voice in my head worries about the number on the scale. I've really got to work on that one. I appreciate the reminder.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Actually i weigh every day to track my weight trend... BUT..

    i couldn't give 2 craps if its up or down a few... The measurements and photo measurements have become the ones that hold importance for me now... The number will always fluctuate on the scale.

    Its hard to not let the evil scale bother us because we've been indoctrinated our whole lives about our weight and that # on the scale..