This may be a stupid question- but... here goes

So, I did the reset of 8 weeks.
I put on a couple of pounds at the beginning, but seemed to maintain the same for the rest of the time

This week would have been my week to start going back to the cut rate.

with T.O.M. being here, and it being a really hard one (normally only here for 3 days, this time for 6) ive barely had any appetite and honestly not eating much.

so naturally Ive lost about 6 pounds from not eating... but that's beside the point....

Did I mess up the reset?
Or can I just pick back up as I feel like eating?
I was eating veg and protein as I did feel like eating, and its been pretty much the same darn thing all week, but Im starting to feel a bit hungry now and ready to eat more.

I just want to know I didn't totally mess myself up again.


  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    I don't think 1 week would mess you up. Life happens, i.e. illnesses, etc, so if you had already done the full reset, I would say go ahead and come back to the cut.

    But maybe someone else out there knows better, and I want to bump this for you for some other replies as well.

    BTW, the 6 lbs may also be some water retention from TOM, not from not eating.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I agree with the above poster!