I'm a believer!

squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
So I've been griping for the past 2 weeks or so (whenever it was that I started eating more/joining here) because the scale was going up... and up... and UP until I hit my "uh-oh" weight of 150! Even worse... 151! And that was at the BEGINNING of the day, naked, after bathroom business, before breakfast, etc etc etc. I was quite upset, to say the least. That's about 8lbs up from my lowest weight (reflected on my ticker). So essentially, if we're looking only at the scale, I'd lost almost 50% of my progress. That would set me back about 6 months!!!


I weighed this morning at 145. Not too shabby, plus (sorry boys) it's my TOM. 2lbs up? NO problem! AND I've been eating junky sugary things all week (it's apparently cake-week, everyone is handing me sweets, it's ridiculous[ly delicous]).

So I just wanted to put this on the board here because unfortunately many of the posts are negative/sad/asking "omg are you guys sure this works?!" Including some from myself, I think. It's frustrating, that's for damn sure! Especially when I think many of us are 1200 calorie survivors who most likely felt guilty when we ate 1202 in a day. We need to hear the positive WAY more!!! And although I technically have not lost any weight yet, I am quite pleased to say that I have not gained, either. And I'm only 2-3 weeks into this.

Moral of the story: you will bloat up like a balloon when you start here... but it's just that: bloating. Not fat. Your body is confused (and overjoyed?) at the party your tummy is having.



  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    Nice! I have just started about a week ago and haven't even gotten to eating my BMR consistantly yet... Thanks for the possitive reinforcements! :)
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    it certainly does work. i just realized that i usually weigh my lowest the day after tom, then i gain 5 pounds of water. and thats just how my body works and ive come to live with that.
  • Sid422
    Sid422 Posts: 77 Member
    Congrats and good for you!!! I too am a believer...and had my whiney days. LOL This morning I was back to the weight when I started EM2WL too and Whew!! what a relief after gaining almost 5 pounds. Hang in there people, it works, it's healthy and we will get there.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    YEA !!!!!!!!!! Me too !

    Congrats .... keep on Rockin it !