New Here :)

tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
Hi Everyone,
Reading some of the posts I have gotten some good ideas here. I try to walk on my breaks when i am at work, but sometimes it is impossible. I also try to stretch cause sitting for 8 hours a day can be hard. I love to exercise, which i exercise 5 days a week. I am on here everyday tracking my food and exercise. If anyone would like to add me as a friend please do, we can do this together. :)


  • Estrella360
    Estrella360 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I have in the last year gone from working in bars and restaraunts 6 days a week doing 12 hours shifts to working in a office call centre. in the last year i have put on so much weight and i have idea how to get rid of it. i exercise at the gym during the week and try to be as active as possible while at home and when im free. How have you found a good balance between work, exercise and actually loseing weight. do you have any tips on foods to try? and exercises that can help?
  • EleMeleUkulele
    EleMeleUkulele Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too! :) When I look back on the past few months, I see that me getting a full-time job has really contributed to my weight gain. So I got a MFP app on my phone, started taking yoga classes seriously (before that I was doing them from time to time, but not that often), AND walking to work and back home every day! Really, it helps a lot, of course if your job isn't very far (3 km for me, it's about 1,86 miles).

    All right, I cheated today and took the tram, but only because I'm sick!! xD

    I work full time still, so when we eat out, I try to order the healthiest food possible. Subway has been of great help, with their 6" veggie sandwiches, but we also have a lot of different restaurants in the neighborhood, and trust me, you can eat healthy almost everywhere, even McDonald's has salads! It helps to eat lots of vegetables, they've got lots of vitamins and almost no calories. Ohhh, and try to eat something every three hours, more smaller meals make you less hungry than few big ones.

    This is all I could think of at the moment. Good luck to both of you! You can do it! :)
  • dodgegirl1979
    dodgegirl1979 Posts: 73 Member
    hi there i am new to this group and i wanted to say that i you can add me as a friend if you want . i am a newspaper carrier for job and i sit 9 hours on my work day and about ten min of walking and thats it for me . so this is a real challange to loose. i tend to live in my work truck like eat and drink and most of those days i make the wrong choices or not eat enough.
  • hoopymog
    hoopymog Posts: 54 Member
    I a new to this group. A sedentary job doesn't help me,, but I always take the stairs,and try and get a lunch time walk at work. I have also just joined the work gym, but don't really like gyms but will try and go and use it.

    Any motivation is welcomed, and in all likelihood needed.

    Hope to speak soon.

    Wishing success to us all.

  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    Not new to the group, but don't recall posting here before so new in that sense. I'm a grad student and do a lot of sitting. I love walking for hours (not on a treadmill though) when my knee can take it. Any motivation welcomed and any needed, I'll provide. :)