Going over TDEE?

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
So after a big lunch and some extra snacking, I'm already over TDEE... and it's only 5, meaning I haven't had dinner yet. My first response is to beat myself up for the constant snacking all day and to go to the gym and do some cardio to earn back the 'privilege' to eat... but I'm trying to do the reset and do it right. Do I try not to eat anything the rest of the day or do I just go over my TDEE value?

Man, I feel like in the week I've done the reset I don't think I've actually hit my TDEE once. I'm usually only over by 100, but I think right now I'm already over by 300-400. I stopped tracking because I felt so ashamed. Maybe this isn't for me if I can't even keep my TDEE?

So discouraged. I'm not weighing myself until July but I'm absolutely petrified to see the damage I've done. I know a lot of you strength train... does EMTWL only work for people that strength train, and not just straight cardio? I have a road race at the end of July I'm training for, so I want to keep my cardio up. I plan to start NROLFW in August after my weight and focus on lifting rather than cardio, but right now it's purely cardio. I feel like I'm just using EMTWL as a rationalization for eating more but it isn't going to make the least bit of difference for me...

I'm so down :(


  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I really like the way one other poster put it who had trouble with binging....she said her reset was like a practice time for her. A time to learn how to eat within boundaries and fuel her body properly.

    If you end up going over your calories, during the reset is the best time to do it and a little extra here and there is no big deal....however, expect that you may gain extra weight from it. Use the time during your reset to learn to stay within the boundaries of your cals, to meet your macros and nutrient values etc. By the time your 8 weeks are up you should have found that you've gained some awesome personal tools to help you maintain a proper weight!

    Don't beat yourself up for it. You don't want to start a habit of skipping meals. You want to form good habits. Eat a reasonable supper, maybe have a small snack (or avoid completely if not too hungry) before bed and start again tomorrow. :smile:

    Also, although we recommend the lifting for many reasons, it is not a requirement for EM2WL to work.

    Chin up, don't stress (cause stressing puts on weight too!) and enjoy the rest of your night. Tomorrow's a new day!