My food diary is open please HELP ME! RANDOM RANT.

secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
So, I love EMTWL for sure. And Altho I log my foods daily, I don't log my exercise since I already set my goal to 1800 per day.
BUT I DO workout.
I do Insanity workouts so, I workout 6days per week and each workout is about 45min-1hr long.
If anyone could please "preview" my diary and maybe give me pointers that would be great. Usually, my first half of my day starts out good then mid day or later on 1 high calorie snack or mess up, can really throw off the rest of my day :/
I dont want to FEEL BAD cuz of one stupid muffin or eating things I still like.
I almost hate to say it, But I HATE having to count calories.
My goal is to reach 1800 per day and I seem to "easily go over". And sometimes even when I do reach 1800 perfectly. At night my stomach will be growling that its hungry again? So then, I drink water to see if that's what it is, but it still growls. But, I usually just go to bed that way, If I went OVER on my cals for the day..
Am I doing this all wrong??????

Im not looking for a quick weight fix Ive been on my journey for 5months with only a 5 pound loss and some inches.
I just neeeeeeeed help fixing my diary/calories I eat ECT.


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I would say maybe try and eat more protein. Its filling and will keep you fuller, longer, than say that trail mix or the muffin.

    If you lose the trail mix, and muffin thats like 750 calories.

    You could add in two protien shakes instead, that would have about 50g of protein and about 550 ish calories for total for both. That should help with the hunger.

    Just a though.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Yea I know, Its just being on a so called DIET, is no fun. I like to eat my treats and if the closest thing I can get to having something sweet and indulgent is a mufifn or trail mix, I take it.
    I already say NO to all my other favorite JUNK foods out there such as: Hot cheetos, cake, donuts. ECT.
    I dont want to feel like O im on a diet so I can't have this or that. It just plain sucks!
    But I will try more protein smoothies. I guess I have to get use to the idea that I just cant have really much of what I want on this journey..
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    I'd have to agree with more protein and limiting the lower protein/less filling snacks. I eat more than you in a day, but even if I did like 1800, I would still eat the same things I eat now, just a little less. And I never feel deprived, even though I rarely indulge in higher cal snacks. One of my fav snacks is vanilla greek yogurt, frozen mixed berries, a sprinkle of granola and several almonds chopped up. It's FANTASTIC, and is about 160cals for a half cup each of the yogurt and berries. It is seriously so good, I look forward to it all day! And when I'm really craving sweet, I just mix up a tablespoon of chocolate protein powder with a cup of milk and I'm full and it tastes great:)

    My diary is open as well, you can see what I do, but I eat just about the same things every day, but I just flavor things differently with different spices. This last week is not a good one as I was completely out of my routine, and I had a few special days (baseball game, night out with the family last night) but previous weeks are better indicators of what I eat:) And I never feel like I'm on a diet, I eat well and frequently, so I don't feel deprived:)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So, I love EMTWL for sure. And Altho I log my foods daily, I don't log my exercise since I already set my goal to 1800 per day.
    BUT I DO workout.
    I do Insanity workouts so, I workout 6days per week and each workout is about 45min-1hr long.
    If anyone could please "preview" my diary and maybe give me pointers that would be great. Usually, my first half of my day starts out good then mid day or later on 1 high calorie snack or mess up, can really throw off the rest of my day :/
    I dont want to FEEL BAD cuz of one stupid muffin or eating things I still like.
    I almost hate to say it, But I HATE having to count calories.
    My goal is to reach 1800 per day and I seem to "easily go over". And sometimes even when I do reach 1800 perfectly. At night my stomach will be growling that its hungry again? So then, I drink water to see if that's what it is, but it still growls. But, I usually just go to bed that way, If I went OVER on my cals for the day..
    Am I doing this all wrong??????

    Im not looking for a quick weight fix Ive been on my journey for 5months with only a 5 pound loss and some inches.
    I just neeeeeeeed help fixing my diary/calories I eat ECT.

    Did you select your TDEE by rounding up from Moderately Active, because you really are heading into Very Active with that routine, before you took your deficit? And the goal figure, could even round that up to nearest 100.

    That would give you more calories to plan certain things. If you have a muffin everyday, and you know you get one tomorrow, do you still have to eat 3 right now?

    And you can learn to eat right, and can leave out the counting at some point down the road. But counting has more success right now.

    Ditto's to the high carb stuff leaving you hungry. Shoot, just large meals will shoot off insulin spike for many leaving us, ahem, them, tired and hungry soon.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    ^ I selected my TDEE at an ACTIVE becuz I am pretty active. As I hear Insanity burns insane calories and I do 2 workouts per day of it. followed by other things such as jogging during my wk. or other youtube workout vids..
    Um, heres my info:
    age: 26
    current weight: 138
    goal weight: 125

    Maybe my TDEE is all wrong? Idk.. But like I said I had my goal set for 1800 calories per day..

    I guess I will try to limit my carb intake Im usually over all the time! I did incorporate whey protein into my smoothies and sumtimes food but for some reason IM STILL ALWAYS UNDER MY PROTEIN?
    I eat cottage cheese, eggs and all sorts of things with protein but still under?????
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    ^ I selected my TDEE at an ACTIVE becuz I am pretty active. As I hear Insanity burns insane calories and I do 2 workouts per day of it. followed by other things such as jogging during my wk. or other youtube workout vids..
    Um, heres my info:
    age: 26
    current weight: 138
    goal weight: 125

    Maybe my TDEE is all wrong? Idk.. But like I said I had my goal set for 1800 calories per day..

    I guess I will try to limit my carb intake Im usually over all the time! I did incorporate whey protein into my smoothies and sumtimes food but for some reason IM STILL ALWAYS UNDER MY PROTEIN?
    I eat cottage cheese, eggs and all sorts of things with protein but still under?????

    I see the problem - you selected MFP's Active hoping to cover your exercise.

    The problem is their activity levels have nothing to do with exercise, and therefore their multipliers are way off as you go higher compared to other TDEE calcs that include exercise.

    The normal TDEE ranges that include exercise don't even have an Active level, so I know that is what happened.

    Here, use this spreadsheet and for future use since you need to recalc at some point at goal weight to know your better TDEE then.

    If that routine is up to 5hrs a week (but you sound like you do more) - that's 2045.
    If Very Active with 6-7 hrs a week which sounds right - that's 2276.
    But if your hrs are more than 7, then 2507.

    2276 with 15% deficit is 1935. Round to 2000.

    Do you have HRM estimates of your calorie burns? Not required, but would allow you to nail your TDEE better.
    If you do happen to, section in the spreadsheet for doing that.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi there

    If you really do 2! Insanity workouts a day 1800kcal is not enough for you.

    I have set my activity level to the one before the highest one, and I have reduced Insanity to only 3 times a week and have added 3 times weight training.
    You are on pure cardio at the moment. You need to eat a lot to not be having to big deficit. They should ideally not go below 300kcal a day.
    Maybe you want to think about reducing the cardio part a bit and add in some weight lifting. Building uscle is important, cause muscle burns calories. If you do a lot of cardo it is hard to build muscle.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Hi there

    If you really do 2! Insanity workouts a day 1800kcal is not enough for you.

    I have set my activity level to the one before the highest one, and I have reduced Insanity to only 3 times a week and have added 3 times weight training.
    You are on pure cardio at the moment. You need to eat a lot to not be having to big deficit. They should ideally not go below 300kcal a day.
    Maybe you want to think about reducing the cardio part a bit and add in some weight lifting. Building uscle is important, cause muscle burns calories. If you do a lot of cardo it is hard to build muscle.

    ^ Thanks yea, No I only do 2 Insanity workouts on the days It says to do 2. Cuz I am on Month #2 right now and only 8 days from being done. Then I def. plan to start P90X with weights :) So, infact on the days when I think I HAVE GONE OVER, I might actually be where I need to be at calorie wise since the Insanity workouts burn more cals anyways.. Thats a good thought. But without and HRM I cant possibly know.. THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE FOR YOUR IDEAS AND HELP :)