A question about consistency...

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
Today is the start of week 2 of my reset. Haven't gone near the scale since increasing calories and don't plan to until July. All last week, trying to eat at TDEE I found myself eating OVER TDEE most days. It's the start of a new week and I vow to hit my protein goals and increase my water intake to really try to lower my desires to binge. I've always had crazy weight fluctuations on the scale and from some of the other posts I've been reading I'm hearing proper water intake and eating enough tend to minimize these fluctuations... is this true or am I making this up?

Anyways, my real question of this post is about activity level. Currently I'm eating at a TDEE of 2655 (I'm 23, 5'10", started MFP at 148, last weigh in was 154, goal weight 145). I'm eating at the 5-6 hour of strenuous activity level because I *had* been doing the elliptical for 65 minutes a day every day, sometimes more than that. I know rest days are important so I'm now taking at least one a week - but I'm still doing 5-6 hours, so even cutting out a day of exercise I'm still eating at 2655.

I'm running a 7 mile race at the end of July, so I don't want to cut back cardio too much - and, in all honesty, need to lower my time on the elliptical and add running in. However, I know - especially at the start - that I won't be able to run 'strenuously' for 5-6 hours a week! I also want to incorporate strength training but, again, don't want to screw myself for this race. I'm pretty used to eating at 2655 and if consistency really is key then I want to stay at this same level... but I'm not sure how to switch up my workouts to stay in the 5-6 hours of 'strenuous' activity level (because really, half the time I don't think my current workouts even allow me into this category! But at 180 strides per minute/burns of 820-850, people here swear it does).

So: should I cut back to the 'moderate' category, eat THAT TDEE, and lower my workouts? Or is there a way to incorporate both running and cross training (elliptical) - and strength training, even - to keep me in the 5-6 hour category?

My plan for after the race is to start NROLFW and eat at cut level and hopefully I can at least get back to where I was pre-EMTWL.


  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Trying to give this a little bump so you will get some responses....I don't have any advice for you but I am having an issue with consistency as well....I usually eat less than I am supposed to but some days I go over....Either way I am not being consistent with my calories....I do add them up at the end of the week (Sundays) to see my weekly total and try to make sure that on Sunday I eat enough to make my weekly goal....Not sure if that helps you but I just wanted to put that out there!! I know one of the moderators will be on here soon to help you like they are so great at doing!! :)
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    Trying to give this a little bump so you will get some responses....I don't have any advice for you but I am having an issue with consistency as well....I usually eat less than I am supposed to but some days I go over....Either way I am not being consistent with my calories....I do add them up at the end of the week (Sundays) to see my weekly total and try to make sure that on Sunday I eat enough to make my weekly goal....Not sure if that helps you but I just wanted to put that out there!! I know one of the moderators will be on here soon to help you like they are so great at doing!! :)

    I know, consistency is the hardest part for me about all of this! I made the awful mistake of going clothes shopping today. Yikes.

    I have Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, so I was thinking of doing that for some light strength training... but I still don't know about running/elliptical/other cross training in order to continue to meet my activity level
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I think I would keep your calories the same. Since c25k is about 30 minutes a day, you could definitely do some strength training on the other 3 days a week (or even on the same day, after your running). Seems like a 4-day split might be a nice strength training addition for you? I would not add in any more cardio, unless you want to add a short (under 30 min) HIIT session on the elliptical after strength training. I think you'll be getting plenty of cardio with the c25k program.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    I think I would keep your calories the same. Since c25k is about 30 minutes a day, you could definitely do some strength training on the other 3 days a week (or even on the same day, after your running). Seems like a 4-day split might be a nice strength training addition for you? I would not add in any more cardio, unless you want to add a short (under 30 min) HIIT session on the elliptical after strength training. I think you'll be getting plenty of cardio with the c25k program.

    I wasn't planning on doing c25k- I'm not sure what to do, actually, since it's such a weird distance (7 miles). I ran a 5k this morning with no issue but definitely need to work up to longer runs. I just don't know how to still hit 5-6 hours of 'strenuous' activity transitioning to running. Right now I do an hour on the elliptical but I definitely couldn't just head out the door and run that long ;)

    I skimmed through the NROLFW book today and am excited to start that, but he says that doing any sort of endurance cardio is a bit counterproductive. So I don't want to start NROLFW but at the same time be running so much and have the efforts cancel each other out. I'm also not sure how long each NROLFW workout takes and how that would factor into my same activity level of 5-6 hours. Hmm.

    I am happy to report, though, that it's after dinner and I am within range of all my macros! 400some calories to go, 37 carbs, 20? fat and only 1 gram of protein (I am usually off by tens!!) Not sure how I'm going to get those 400 calories without going over protein (was planning on some greek yogurt and fruit) but hey... I'm getting better :)