Combining EM2WL with other methods?

nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
Just wondering about applying "other" nutritional knowledge/approaches right along with the EM2WL method. I understand about everyone needing to personalize/tweak it for themselves, so I am still looking into all sorts of other nutritional methods and research, but will continue to "EM2WL" (no way in Hades am I willing to go back to starving myself). I hope that made some sort of sense. :huh:

What do you think? Are any of you adding other nutritional tweaks/methods to your EM2WL journeys? Is this helping you to be more successful? Do tell! :flowerforyou:


  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Do you mean things like paleo, low carb, vegan etc? Anything will work with EMTWL- as long as you get enough cals (macros are up for debate even though there is a recommended ratio).

    I follow a fairly standard weightlifting (powerlifting anyway) diet. Lots of protein, carbs are low-ish. Unless there is cake. I will always eat cake lol I avoid wheat but that's just for allergy reasons, it's not a 'lifestyle' choice. Working fine for me.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Do you mean things like paleo, low carb, vegan etc? Anything will work with EMTWL- as long as you get enough cals (macros are up for debate even though there is a recommended ratio).

    I follow a fairly standard weightlifting (powerlifting anyway) diet. Lots of protein, carbs are low-ish. Unless there is cake. I will always eat cake lol I avoid wheat but that's just for allergy reasons, it's not a 'lifestyle' choice. Working fine for me.

    I think properly fueling your body is important. If a diet recommends eliminating an entire food group, its probably not going to give you the nutrition that you need for building muscle and losing fat. Other than that, you have alot of flexibility. Many of us on here follow a clean eating lifestyle that tends to be lower in carbs and higher in protein. I don't really buy into the "calorie is a calorie" logic. I think our bodies respond fat better to clean, unprocessed foods than they do to junk. Thats not to say we can't have the occasional indulgence, but it is important to put the very best foods into our bodies.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I also use intermittent fasting. Eating 5-6 times a day piss me off so I do that because it fit my lifestyle more than the metabolic and hormones manipulation advantages
  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    Gemiwing - yep, that's what I meant. Just wanting to see what lifestyles people are following in addition to EM2WL - paleo, primal, low carb, vegan, vegetarian, etc. Or if someone has just found that tweaking their macros or cutting down on certain food groups has made a difference in their success.

    Mom - I completely agree and eat as clean as I possibly can. I am not eliminating anything unless it becomes apparent I am allergic to something or it causes severe gastrointestinal upset.....nothing has shown up on those radars as of yet!

    While I know there is a recommended macro ratio, I think this is where I am going to tinker a bit, not necessarily following a specific lifestyle or popular diet.....just because historically when attempting weight loss, I do fabulous when lowering my carbs (NOT to non-existent...that's just ridiculous) and upping my protein and fats. So instead of making some dramatic swing, I aimed for thirds on my ratios and now stand at 30c/35p/35f. It'll take me a while to actual hit those macros....there are things like budgets and money involved lol!

    However....I AM curious as to what everybody else is doing, what has or hasn't helped, the wherefore's and the why's of your choices.

    Curiosity killed the cat, but I still have 8 lives left. :wink:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Do you mean things like paleo, low carb, vegan etc? Anything will work with EMTWL- as long as you get enough cals (macros are up for debate even though there is a recommended ratio).

    I follow a fairly standard weightlifting (powerlifting anyway) diet. Lots of protein, carbs are low-ish. Unless there is cake. I will always eat cake lol I avoid wheat but that's just for allergy reasons, it's not a 'lifestyle' choice. Working fine for me.

    I think properly fueling your body is important. If a diet recommends eliminating an entire food group, its probably not going to give you the nutrition that you need for building muscle and losing fat. Other than that, you have alot of flexibility. Many of us on here follow a clean eating lifestyle that tends to be lower in carbs and higher in protein. I don't really buy into the "calorie is a calorie" logic. I think our bodies respond fat better to clean, unprocessed foods than they do to junk. Thats not to say we can't have the occasional indulgence, but it is important to put the very best foods into our bodies.

    Sorry- not sure what in my post you're referencing here?
  • I am new to EM2LW but have been eating paleo for a couple of years & am just starting to really increase my calories from 1250 to 1680. I will say that eliminating grains & legumes makes is super hard to hit 30% or 35% carbs with higher calories. My ratio is 35c35p30f & I have been having a hard time keeping up with the carbs. Mark's Daily Apple has tons of help for making the switch. What works best for me is to make large batches of food on the weekends & portion it out for the week. This weekend I made Appple & Fig Stuffed Chicken Breasts, Zucchini Flax Crackers, & Almond Wraps. I'm also getting a Vitamix, so one good smoothie a day should bring those carbs right up.
    ;) good luck!