BF% question

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
So in February, I did the handheld body fat composition thing at my gym. I reached my lowest adult weight of 133 in November (no working out... probably muscle loss) but I think when I had my BF% measured I was either 142 or 144 pounds (I'm 154 at last check, but feel like a $^$&($ balloon today, so who knows). Anyways, at my lower weight, my BF% was only 16?

I'm not sure that was accurate whatsoever, but I did it again a couple weeks later and it was 15.8%. And that was when I was eating from 2000-2400 a day (I didn't have MFP yet, I just calorie counted in a little notebook).

I know some of the calculators on the Scooby site ask for your BF% and take that into account. What does having a BF% that low even mean? In the book at the gym (the one that came in the box with the handheld thing) it said it was unhealthily low - and that's around when I started eating nuts and more fats (I was eating fat-free *everything*, not good). I haven't redone my BF% since - and am too petrified to weigh myself to think about doing it now - but I was just curious with all the talk of using the McArdle calculations that require BF% to compute.

It also makes me really nervous that I was eating between 2000-2400, weighed ten pounds less than I did at last weigh-in, but still 'lost' body fat... and now I feel like a puffy gross slob eating TDEE at 2650.


  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    BF% has to do with the composition of your body - how much muscle you have vs how much fat you have. It can be extremely tough to get below 18% BF for a woman and also can be unhealthy to drop too low. Usually it means lots of muscle definition and simply no body fat (i.e. boobs, hips, butt). You probably want to change your macros to increase fat and carbs in your diet and also try eating at maintenance in order to 'bulk up' (i.e. gain some fat).