What Does Everybody Think About Dating A Shorter Man?



  • nikarjc
    nikarjc Posts: 13 Member
    i'm 5ft 10 and my boyfriend is 5ft 7 and we both are more than happy with that. He encourages me to wear heels which i do a lot and he actually loves that im taller than him. Funny but i never see him as shorter than me he just is what he is.

    wanted to say congrats on your weight loss!!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Personally I am not attracted to shorter guys. I'm 5'8" and my husband is 6'3" so I can wear heals and still be shorter than him!!
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    I am close to 6 foot and have been with my husband who is 5'3" for 20+ years!

    It's kinda funny b/c I remember growing up and in HS when I started dating I was like I could never go out with a guy shorter than me, and look where I ended up! haha! I remember meeting him and he was sitting down when I walked in and was introduced and I thought "Damn he's HOT!" then he stood up and I said "awwww damn he's short!" in my head. But we went out, and with in a few mins into dinner his personality and sense of humor stole my heart, the fact that he is easy on the eyes helped too! haha! The rest is a historic love story!

  • ReinaJaLaNa
    ReinaJaLaNa Posts: 151 Member
    I can't do it. I'm 5'10" and 6'1" when I've got heels on, so the minimum height I'll date is 6'1". I might consider someone an inch of two less than that, but they'd have to be pretty darn great. I just feel uncomfortable when I'm next to man who is shorter than me. I slouch, I put my weight into my hip and oddly, I feel guilty for being taller than them. I want a man to be bigger and stronger than me, I want to look up to him physically and I want him to have to bend down to kiss me, not the other way around!

    Omg this mirrors my sentiments eXACTLY!

    Looking at a lot of the other posts on here, I started feeling kind of bad because it seems there are a lot of other tall ladies out there who have dated, are willing to date or are even married to guys shorter -- even quite a bit shorter -- than them, and that's just never, evvvvvvvvvvvver been me. But I do agree with those who have also said that whenever they've dated a shorter guy, they (the females) are the ones who have had the issue -- that the guys haven't. I've found the same to be the case -- although I've never dated a guy more than maybe an inch shorter than me, I've definitely spoken with quite a few of them, including ones interested in me, who have outright said this...that they don't care. Well, I care -- I REALLY care...and, like KippyBee said, I just feel like I can't do it or get over it.

    Ironically, I've had a lot of shorter guys approach and be interested in me, but guys taller than me, not so much. It's so weird - SOO FREAKING WEIRD! I've noticed the taller guys typically end up dating or being interested in shortie women -- go figure, right?!

    And I just can't even imagine how a short guy would be okay with or especially prefer his woman to be taller than him....but I guess that's just like how I can't imagine a taller guy to actually prefer a much shorter woman. Makes no sense to me! But most DEFinitely my hats off to all the other lengthy ladies out there willing to have that kind of an open mind. I think that is completely awesome, and I'm pretty positive I am missing out on some magnificent men out there in having that one restriction :-/

    I pretty much feel the same but wouldnt say no to a date based on height I can find something else wrong that I wouldnt ever live with and I often do... Prolly why Im 29 and single never married.... Just waiting on God to send me my tall dark and handsome!!

    lol I heard that, girlfriend!!
    I am close to 6 foot and have been with my husband who is 5'3" for 20+ years!

    It's kinda funny b/c I remember growing up and in HS when I started dating I was like I could never go out with a guy shorter than me, and look where I ended up! haha! I remember meeting him and he was sitting down when I walked in and was introduced and I thought "Damn he's HOT!" then he stood up and I said "awwww damn he's short!" in my head. But we went out, and with in a few mins into dinner his personality and sense of humor stole my heart, the fact that he is easy on the eyes helped too! haha! The rest is a historic love story!


    That is totally awesome. Good for you!!
  • VanillaBone
    VanillaBone Posts: 119 Member
    Slightly off-topic, but is anyone else enjoying the hell out of the Sansa/Tyrion matchup in Game of Thrones? I loved the scene last night where they're walking and some random mouth-breathers started s******ing at them. Obviously love had nothing to do with the characters ending up together, but it's nice to see them interacting.

    ETA: Okay, weird MFP censoring program, how about snickering?