Anyone else a loner?



  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I’ve always been a loner. A little weird and out of step with everyone else. I’ve done the party/club thing—tried to fake it and fit in—but it’s always ended badly. So I’ve stopped trying. These days, I’d probably be a complete recluse if left to my own devices. My husband will drag me out of the house every once in a while, but I usually try to avoid social situations whenever possible.
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    same, even though I am married now w/kids. I still pefer to be at my house. i never cared for parties before then and I dont know.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I think I am too, I find social events scare me more than roller coaster rides and I interact with you guys better than I do to some people I have known for years. I always said I like to be around other people but just not to interact with them, I couldn't deal with living in the country where there are very few people, I love living in a town even though I don't really speak to that many people and am quite introvert
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Being a loner is okay as long as you realize human beings need each other...we were meant to socialize...I have a brother who is a loner and sometimes I feel for him and others who don't does not have to be all the time or a 'club' it helps broaden the mind, redcue cynacism, indifference releases energy and allows others to know you love them and care...sometimes the family and friends of 'loners' are not sure where you stand.
    Hope does not offend just a view from the other side. I embrace all! :D
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    I'm a personality type that comes across as an extrovert, but I'm not. Very introverted, though I love to meet new people and hear their stories, I just cannot handle it for long. I actually did a personality test and was INFJ. :) I love my home, my garden, my books, and my games. I know when I go to holiday parties and there's a lot of people around, I will usually escape outside or into another room for an hour or so to recharge and then go back to the hustle and bustle.

    My major issue with socializing is my personality is off beat, I don't get regular jokes (usually one of my friends explains it to me), I don't understand the reasoning behind a lot of people's actions, and I enjoy completely different things than most of the people I know. So I'm left sitting there, completely confused by other's word vomit (lol). It's tiring, when I'd rather spend my time working in my house, yard, reading, etc.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I like people, but I think I am a loner.
    As long as I get some quality time with others, then I am fine being alone.

    Regarding clubs, etc.... I have no idea how people can stay in them for hours. What the hell do you do for that long?
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    I am kind of the same way. I have a hard time maintaining close relationships with people. I've always been known to be outgoing and extroverted, but the older I've gotten the more I've realized that I'm kind of...well..socially awkward.

    I do like to go out, drink, club, party, etc, but I'm just as happy being home watching Netflix. Sometimes I get nervous when I'm about to go into social situations, but once I get there it all goes away. I noticed it was worst when I was heaviest- I guess I am just a bit self-conscious about my weight and physical appearance.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Being a loner is okay as long as you realize human beings need each other...we were meant to socialize...I have a brother who is a loner and sometimes I feel for him and others who don't does not have to be all the time or a 'club' it helps broaden the mind, redcue cynacism, indifference releases energy and allows others to know you love them and care...sometimes the family and friends of 'loners' are not sure where you stand.
    Hope does not offend just a view from the other side. I embrace all! :D

    I actually like clubs (Dancing) and crowds just fine, in limited amounts, but I do not want to have physically close relationships with more than a few people at a time and I find small group settings EXHAUSTING (large groups are fine because you don't have to interact with anyone, you can just watch them). I'm good for one or two at a time. But I'm good with my one close friend most of the time, really.

    Its not that I'm GRUMPY and cynical per se (ok I am) but mostly I just don't care to spend more than a few hours a week with other people. Although frankly this probably is because I have to talk to other people at work all day and that uses up some of my tolerance. Its really not a big deal in my opinion - I have a friend who LOVES being around people constantly, she would happily eat every meal with someone else, she'd love to hang out with someone every day. The very thought makes me want to punch a baby. (punching babies is my thing this month I guess). That's fine, that's just HER thing - trust me, we think YOU extroverts are just weird weird weird.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I hate crowds. And when's my birthday? New Year's Eve. Sucks for me.

    My husband is the only one I can stand to be around 24/7. He's my best friend, and I don't have any other close friends. That makes me sad sometimes. It's cool to have female friends.
  • Bastiencade
    I really enjoy clubs and crowded places when I'm in the mood for them, but otherwise I would count myself as a loner. I live alone and generally don't go out but maybe once a week, and other than that I'm either at work or sitting home alone.

    I can't be around people all the time, and have to have at least 2 hours to myself a day. I really enjoy being alone, it keeps my social anxiety at bay and the rare times I do enjoy going out always feels great since I don't do it often like a lot of people.

    It has had an effect on friendships and relationships, though, since some people don't understand needing time to yourself when nothing bad is going on. Some of us just like our own company!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Yup, I’m a loner to the point where my hubby thinks I am anti-social. I want to go out and make friends, but I definitely need and want my alone time.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I'm a personality type that comes across as an extrovert, but I'm not. Very introverted, though I love to meet new people and hear their stories, I just cannot handle it for long. I actually did a personality test and was INFJ. :) I love my home, my garden, my books, and my games. I know when I go to holiday parties and there's a lot of people around, I will usually escape outside or into another room for an hour or so to recharge and then go back to the hustle and bustle.

    My major issue with socializing is my personality is off beat, I don't get regular jokes (usually one of my friends explains it to me), I don't understand the reasoning behind a lot of people's actions, and I enjoy completely different things than most of the people I know. So I'm left sitting there, completely confused by other's word vomit (lol). It's tiring, when I'd rather spend my time working in my house, yard, reading, etc.

    This is me. I usually need to take a walk during parties. Crowds suffocate me.
  • airbent
    airbent Posts: 150 Member
    Loner for sure. I quite like people but I can only handle them in small doses, so parties and large groups tend to wear me out mentally/emotionally. And no matter who I'm with, even people I love/like/enjoy being around, I always reach a point where I just need some 'me' time to recharge my batteries. Plus I deal with a lot of social anxiety and awkwardness so alone time calms me and lets me equilibrate. Not a lot of people get that, sometimes they take it personally, so it's hard out here for an introvert. :P
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I hate crowds. And when's my birthday? New Year's Eve. Sucks for me.

    My husband is the only one I can stand to be around 24/7. He's my best friend, and I don't have any other close friends. That makes me sad sometimes. It's cool to have female friends.

    Ew, it sucks that your birthday is NYE! Butnhkw sad is it that the accountant in me thought, cool, barely made the tax deduction for that year :laugh:

    I'm the same with my husband. We spend a lot of time together and I don't (usually) want to kill him. But, he's also learned to read me and knows when I want to be left alone.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    At work today one of the guys was asking me what I was doing this evening and I said the usual watch a movie/read/walk the dog, he said to me in the most surprised tone you really do enjoy your own company don't you? Well yes I am with me all the time...... You've kinda got to!
  • Bastiencade
    At work today one of the guys was asking me what I was doing this evening and I said the usual watch a movie/read/walk the dog, he said to me in the most surprised tone you really do enjoy your own company don't you? Well yes I am with me all the time...... You've kinda got to!

    Exactly, I don't get how people feel the need to be around others at ALL times. My older brother goes into a depression is someone isn't around him at all times, and I just can't seem to get why being alone bothers people. It's very peaceful, you can do whatever YOU like without having to worry about someone else.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    At work today one of the guys was asking me what I was doing this evening and I said the usual watch a movie/read/walk the dog, he said to me in the most surprised tone you really do enjoy your own company don't you? Well yes I am with me all the time...... You've kinda got to!

    Depending on the tone of their voice and my interpretation of the exchange, I might be inclined to counter with "Yes, I've found it more satisfying than attempting to justify my existence by gaining the approval of others in soul-cursh, decibel orgies of bad dancing, but your complete lack of judgement is appreciated."
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I think he meant it with love (he is my dads age) I think he is worried about me dying alone, eaten by the cat. But yeah I don't get how some people need to be surrounded by others all the time. Don't they read??
  • Dimpszz
    Dimpszz Posts: 40
    I think he meant it with love (he is my dads age) I think he is worried about me dying alone, eaten by the cat. But yeah I don't get how some people need to be surrounded by others all the time. Don't they read??

    Lol thats hilarious. but maybe they don't read. I've noticed that a lot of introverts tend to be avid readers! I love it.
  • Femmekid
    Femmekid Posts: 424 Member
    I'm definitely a loner. & due to my tomboy-ish ways (I love video games & football) it's really hard to find friends that I have stuff in common with. Even harder since I moved to another state a little less than 2 years ago for my boyfriend of 4+ years. I mostly only hang out with my boyfriend. We're both homebodies. It's definitely lonely sometimes not having any friends outside of work and being so far away from all of my family. I have never been very good at making friends.