Monday, June 18 - Sunday, June 24



  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51

    Thanks Dyanna! Yes, I drink tons of water. I've always have drank lots of water, because I don't drink soda (except seltzer) or juices! I have been tracking and logging my food (except yesterday) and I'm just around 1200 or less. So, hence why I said I need to eat even more and up my oil/fat. I just ordered some protein powders and hope they comes soon. I haven't given up yet, but it has been discouraging.
    Trish, i was gonna suggest similar to Dyanna. I think you may need to up your calories, I know it's hard but it's for your benefit. If you're waiting on protein powder, try adding 1 or 2 cheese strings and some almonds each day. Also, how much do you need to lose, if it's not a whole bunch, it may not come off as quickly as others who have a lot to lose

    Thanks Rayne :) I actually have at least 50+ lbs that I could lose - hence why I'm a bit worried. I've had decent success at first on other programs, so I'm a bit surprised on the current situation. I was actually losing before I started the 17DD. Anyhow, my plan is to up my calories and I will add in some cheese into my meals while I wait for the protein powders to arrive.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I feel really excited because today is Day 1 of Cycle 2!! I am alternating my starch. So today for breakfast adding a slice of spelt bread and for lunch brown basmati rice.
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    I feel really excited because today is Day 1 of Cycle 2!! I am alternating my starch. So today for breakfast adding a slice of spelt bread and for lunch brown basmati rice.

    Very exciting for you, suziecue! It's a great reward for the last 17 days :).
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I feel really excited because today is Day 1 of Cycle 2!! I am alternating my starch. So today for breakfast adding a slice of spelt bread and for lunch brown basmati rice.

    Very exciting for you, suziecue! It's a great reward for the last 17 days :).

    It sure is.
    Trish did you see my reply above re low sodium?
  • whitelilly1
    I feel really excited because today is Day 1 of Cycle 2!! I am alternating my starch. So today for breakfast adding a slice of spelt bread and for lunch brown basmati rice.

    \i hear ya ! Day 17 tomorrow for me , but going to do one more day of accelerate so i can eat carbs Saturday. Baked potato has never sounded so appealing!

    Good luck , will be interesting to see how we do on C2
  • whitelilly1

    Thanks Rayne :) I actually have at least 50+ lbs that I could lose - hence why I'm a bit worried. I've had decent success at first on other programs, so I'm a bit surprised on the current situation. I was actually losing before I started the 17DD. Anyhow, my plan is to up my calories and I will add in some cheese into my meals while I wait for the protein powders to arrive.


    Trish, if you were losing before you started the 17DD you wouldnt see the water weight loss that others of us have seen.I was in a 3 months plateau before i started so hence I've seen a 7 lb loss over the 2 weeks , which still isn't as much as others are reporting..( and i know thats water weight) but compared to the other 3 months I am happy. I've also been a bit constipated, I don't know if you are affected by that. All I can say to you is keep going at least till the end of Cycle 1. Looking at the facebook group, some people report better losses on the 2nd phase. Had you tried low carb before? Its very disheartening when we don't get the results and its the hardest task to keep going , Others have suggested useful things . Keep at it if you can ( hugs)
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51

    Trish did you see my reply above re low sodium?

    suziecue - I think I'm getting sodium in. I've been using sea salt on my eggs and using low sodium soy sauce here and there and have...but, I will need to keep an eye out on that. I do constantly pee..sometimes in the middle of the night and I never needed to do that much before. I will keep an eye on salt and look into what a normal range should be.

    BTW - Has anyone see a breakdown of what the ideal day is like for carbs, fats, protein, sodium, etc...
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51

    Trish, if you were losing before you started the 17DD you wouldnt see the water weight loss that others of us have seen.I was in a 3 months plateau before i started so hence I've seen a 7 lb loss over the 2 weeks , which still isn't as much as others are reporting..( and i know thats water weight) but compared to the other 3 months I am happy. I've also been a bit constipated, I don't know if you are affected by that. All I can say to you is keep going at least till the end of Cycle 1. Looking at the facebook group, some people report better losses on the 2nd phase. Had you tried low carb before? Its very disheartening when we don't get the results and its the hardest task to keep going , Others have suggested useful things . Keep at it if you can ( hugs)

    whitelilly1 - Thanks for the idea on not needed to lose the water weight. Thankfully I've been regular (per se), but I do plan to begin taking PBX that helps with fiber (and weight loss) - once it arrives.

    I have don the low carb before with decent success at the beginning. I chose the 17DD, instead of the other options, because it seem to promote healthier food options and lifestyle. I like the idea of more fruits / veggies, etc...and, the methodology around introducing other foods throughout the cycles.

    Anyhow, tomorrow I plan to measure myself after the morning gym and do my best to stay with the plan.

    THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT!!! I'm so glad I posted my concerns, because replying to you all has made me want to stay on track and figure this out.
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    I feel really excited because today is Day 1 of Cycle 2!! I am alternating my starch. So today for breakfast adding a slice of spelt bread and for lunch brown basmati rice.

    Yay Suziecue! Just remember the losses tend to slow down a bit in cycle 2 and 3, but that's where measurements come in handy.
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member

    Trish, if you were losing before you started the 17DD you wouldnt see the water weight loss that others of us have seen.I was in a 3 months plateau before i started so hence I've seen a 7 lb loss over the 2 weeks , which still isn't as much as others are reporting..( and i know thats water weight) but compared to the other 3 months I am happy. I've also been a bit constipated, I don't know if you are affected by that. All I can say to you is keep going at least till the end of Cycle 1. Looking at the facebook group, some people report better losses on the 2nd phase. Had you tried low carb before? Its very disheartening when we don't get the results and its the hardest task to keep going , Others have suggested useful things . Keep at it if you can ( hugs)

    whitelilly1 - Thanks for the idea on not needed to lose the water weight. Thankfully I've been regular (per se), but I do plan to begin taking PBX that helps with fiber (and weight loss) - once it arrives.

    I have don the low carb before with decent success at the beginning. I chose the 17DD, instead of the other options, because it seem to promote healthier food options and lifestyle. I like the idea of more fruits / veggies, etc...and, the methodology around introducing other foods throughout the cycles.

    Anyhow, tomorrow I plan to measure myself after the morning gym and do my best to stay with the plan.

    THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT!!! I'm so glad I posted my concerns, because replying to you all has made me want to stay on track and figure this out.
    Yes, we are going to figure this out. But yes, if you went from another plan straight to this one, you definitely won't see as high of losses as others making a switch for the first time in a while. Also, if it's your TOM (time of month) you may be retaining water. When you add in more calories, try to be consistent with the number of net calories for a couple of weeks so your body has plenty of time to adjust. And definitely give it some more time, your body might just be trying to figure out what to do!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I feel really excited because today is Day 1 of Cycle 2!! I am alternating my starch. So today for breakfast adding a slice of spelt bread and for lunch brown basmati rice.

    Yay Suziecue! Just remember the losses tend to slow down a bit in cycle 2 and 3, but that's where measurements come in handy.

    Yes, I should measure myself. Thanks.
  • whitelilly1
    I had a dreadful day yesterday when looking at the amount I was eating- I netted abouit 300 calories ! Ate around 900 and according to my fitbit , worked off 500 :( This was partly due to the fact that I made a stir-fry, threw some spices together and it tasted disgusting so ended up throwing it away , however over the last 17 days I have been very low on net calories because I do a lot of exercise.

    Not sure what to do about it though. I was on a plateau for 3 months prior to 17DD. Whether or not that was a true plateau I don't know , because I was probably eating a lot of cheat things that I wasn't recording. I was on 1350 cals a day ( 1 lb loss ) and eating back exercise calories over the week but wasn't losing , so maybe that figure was too high for me . Now I'm on lower calories and diet is different it's sort of kick started weight loss again.

    So many different opinions out there on what to do .. eat your exercise cals, not eat your exercise cals, eat half of them , eat more, eat less

    This dieting lark is a minefield. Anyway I do think I need to net more than 300 !!

    Ohh and to top it all TOTM is now just about upon me so I won't get a true result of what I lost over the last 17 days :(

    OK moan over !!

    Have a good day everyone
  • phyllisann26
    phyllisann26 Posts: 118 Member
    Day 16 for me and things are going pretty well. I did eat a few things on Sunday that were not 17DD friendly, but I am back at it.

    I recall in the book that it recommended 17 minutes of exercise for the first cycle. Now that is for someone that has not been working out. After doing this way of eating before I would suggest that if you are exercising a lot more that you should eat more calories otherwise your body may think you are in starvation mode.

    I know for me I have changed the way I eat and I use the 17DD book as a guide. My husband and myself have added a few things that may not follow 17DD, but works for us. :happy:
  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    I was feeling like Trish the beginning of this week...not seeing losses and cheating my way through the entire weekend (Fri-Sun) and wondering if this is for me or not. I got lots from all your posts so I'm sticking to it and not getting discouraged.

    There are so many different things to take into consideration, and we can't all figure it out in a week or so...the fact that we're all here supporting each other and sharing what works and what doesn't for us individually is motivation for me!
  • xoxo99
    xoxo99 Posts: 36
    I was feeling like Trish the beginning of this week...not seeing losses and cheating my way through the entire weekend (Fri-Sun) and wondering if this is for me or not. I got lots from all your posts so I'm sticking to it and not getting discouraged.

    There are so many different things to take into consideration, and we can't all figure it out in a week or so...the fact that we're all here supporting each other and sharing what works and what doesn't for us individually is motivation for me!

    I agree with you guys. For me, I've been having a rough time with the concussion and not being at work makes things way more difficult for me. I find it a lot easier to stick to when I am busy at work all day. But I'm going to keep at it too because even if it comes off really slowly it's better than nothing. I haven't even being weighing myself daily but thinking I maybe should as that might be encouraging. I'm keeping at it but just sticking with CYCLE 1 much longer since I've had too many cheats. Good luck everyone! :)
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    whitelilly: if you are only netting 300 calories you definitely gotta eat more! I always try to net my goal which is 1600, but sometimes it's hard but I try to at least net 1200 on days that i just can't eat enough. I would suggest figuring out what your TDEE is based on zero activity and use that as your goal, and try to eat back your exercise calories. Obviously if you're burning off a ton of calories, it's going to be hard to eat that much, so do what you can.

    Lesvel: Way to go on sticking with it! We are all here to help!
  • whitelilly1
    whitelilly: if you are only netting 300 calories you definitely gotta eat more! I always try to net my goal which is 1600, but sometimes it's hard but I try to at least net 1200 on days that i just can't eat enough. I would suggest figuring out what your TDEE is based on zero activity and use that as your goal, and try to eat back your exercise calories. Obviously if you're burning off a ton of calories, it's going to be hard to eat that much, so do what you can.

    Lesvel: Way to go on sticking with it! We are all here to help!

    Rayne , I know I'm not eating enough :( Funnily enough I had no trouble when i was just counting calories because I could shovel chocolate cakes carbs bread butter and wine into my mouth with no problems ( hmmm wonder why I plateaued :indifferent: ) I have the same problem again today.. Had breakfast , walked the dog had chicken salad for lunch then went shopping wearing my fitbit and according to that burnt off another 750 calories for the day. Came home to have sea bass and vegetables and yougurt . It's now 9.20pm and nearly bed ... What sort of things and in what quantity are you eating to get your net cals up so high? Unless I eat a whole chicken I dont know how I can do it!!
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    whitelilly: if you are only netting 300 calories you definitely gotta eat more! I always try to net my goal which is 1600, but sometimes it's hard but I try to at least net 1200 on days that i just can't eat enough. I would suggest figuring out what your TDEE is based on zero activity and use that as your goal, and try to eat back your exercise calories. Obviously if you're burning off a ton of calories, it's going to be hard to eat that much, so do what you can.

    Lesvel: Way to go on sticking with it! We are all here to help!

    Rayne , I know I'm not eating enough :( Funnily enough I had no trouble when i was just counting calories because I could shovel chocolate cakes carbs bread butter and wine into my mouth with no problems ( hmmm wonder why I plateaued :indifferent: ) I have the same problem again today.. Had breakfast , walked the dog had chicken salad for lunch then went shopping wearing my fitbit and according to that burnt off another 750 calories for the day. Came home to have sea bass and vegetables and yougurt . It's now 9.20pm and nearly bed ... What sort of things and in what quantity are you eating to get your net cals up so high? Unless I eat a whole chicken I dont know how I can do it!!

    I friended you so you can see my diary for some ideas. Ignore the occasional piece of chocolate or other bad items!! ;) lol
    Are you getting your fruit, and 2 servings of yogurt? Also, what about your healthy fats? Almonds or veggies drizzled in olive oil. Also, how long and rigorous were you shopping for that you burned 750 calories? It takes me over an hour of pretty hard bike riding to get that many burned.

    And I'm not perfect either, on a good exercise day, I usually have a hard time getting all my calories in as well.
  • whitelilly1
    I was walking for an hour and a half with the dog and got 430 cals then shopping for 3 hrs in a shopping mall , amazingly enough my step count was the same for my walk with the dog as it was for shopping! Before I had my fit bit I would never have included the exercise from shopping , I almost count those calories as cheating, so not too worried about being under for those . Ive readjusted my goals to now lose 2 lbs a week so that gives me 1200 rather than 1340 but still got a huge deficit today again, Might have to start eating a cooked breakfast as well as yogurt and fruit to get those cals in...

    Thanks for adding me, I'll go take a look to see what you do to get those cals up on exercise days...
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I was walking for an hour and a half with the dog and got 430 cals then shopping for 3 hrs in a shopping mall , amazingly enough my step count was the same for my walk with the dog as it was for shopping! Before I had my fit bit I would never have included the exercise from shopping , I almost count those calories as cheating, so not too worried about being under for those . Ive readjusted my goals to now lose 2 lbs a week so that gives me 1200 rather than 1340 but still got a huge deficit today again, Might have to start eating a cooked breakfast as well as yogurt and fruit to get those cals in...

    Thanks for adding me, I'll go take a look to see what you do to get those cals up on exercise days...

    Were you not eating the yoghurt and fruit? That's my favourite part of this programme!