Not losing....can someone help me!?!?!

dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
I've been on this site since the end of July and am at 311 days logging in. For the first 6 months I did 1200 calories/day while eating back exercise calories and lost around 30 lbs. In those 6 months there was a total of 3 months worth of weeks that I lost nothing. So around Christmas I went from 2 lbs/wk weight loss to 1 lb/week (1430 calories) for the Christmas holiday. I didn't really lose much but I wasn't being totally good. But I didn't gain during that time.

I also started doing research as to what I should be eating and started thinking I should be eating more since I was starting the C25K program and maybe that is why I was having so many plateaus. I stuck with 1430 for a while but only moved about 1 lb in a month. More research and asking advice here had me thinking I should be around 1700-1800 calories but I was giving up my scale for Lent and didn't want to raise that high without the guidance of my scale. I upped it to about 1550 (still eating back my exercise calories).

According to MFP as I entered my food/calories each day is that in 5 weeks I *SHOULD* have been around 158-159 in 5 weeks. I was so looking forward to my weigh in on Easter but I was devastated.....I lost a whopping 1.2 lbs in 46 days. I was working out 3 days a week on average, sometimes more.

So I did more research, I started strength training 2 days a week. I upped my calories to 1750, eating back my exercise calories and upped my walking around work.....all stairs 5 or more times a day (I'm on the 3rd floor) and no elevator.

My problem is that I've lost a total of about 5 lbs in 5 months and nothing in the last month. I know sometimes I'm over on sodium and I eat Trader Joe's frozen meals for lunch (not real clean but working in a school it fits into my calories, has less "crap" then other frozen meals and it's easy (which I need)). I eat out a couple times a week but I fit everything into my calories and I have usually 1 cheat meal a month. That's it. I drink 10 or more glasses of water a day to counteract the excess sodium.

I also have done measurements thinking that I'm losing there.....but in my 6 weeks of strength training I've lost 1" or less on the various body parts and 0.8% body fat. Even with not losing and all the hard work (I put in 110%) I would have thought that the tape measure would even have been more kind. So my scale is barely moving and the tape measure isn't working that well either. Aaaauuuuugggghhh!!!!

But even eating a little less than clean, even with the extra sodium every once in a while, even with eating out.....shouldn't I be losing at least 1 lb a week (or even every other week). I'm pretty strict with my calories and log just about everything. I'm almost always under. I don't know what to do. I've dropped back down to 1350 hoping to shock my body into a little weight loss.

Please please please give me advice. And not just eat less sodium. I don't think that my sodium is so much in excess that it's causing me not to lose any weight. I don't know what to do but I still have 20 lbs to lose to get to the HIGH end of a healthy weight for my height!!!! Help me please!!!! (and if you read all of this.....Thank you!!!)


  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    Sounds like you need a reset my dear :)

    Have you read all the topics pinned at the top of the forum?
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    You sound a whole like I did in the beginning...You are not being consistent with your numbers...Your body has no idea what you are going to feed it b/c you are upping and lowering your calories so much....This is what it sounds like to me...Plus are you eating at TDEE -15% from the scooby site??? What are your stats? Height, Weight, Age and amount of exercise you do?

    Here is the site:

    ETA: Do NOT I repeat Do NOT go by what MFP says you should weigh in 5weeks after logging b/c there is even a few threads of people using it to gage their weightloss and it is known to never be right on the money...So don't beat yourself up over that one but don't use it to guide you either....
  • I took a quick look at your diary for today so not sure what your days are usually like but maybe try eating 100+ grams of protein a day and a little less carbs. The suggestion is 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. Your sodium is less then So thats awesome! Also suggessted is 30 grams fiber a day. Hope this helps a it. I am in a similar situation that I just cant lose. But mine is due to eating after loggign for the day.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I have tried to keep my calories at the different levels for a couple months each time to give it a chance to work or not work. My hubby and I are discussing it too. He thinks I should up to 2000 calories and try that for at least 4 weeks.

    My stats and stuff from the Scooby site:

    Height: 5'4"
    Starting weight: 197
    Current weight: 165
    Goal weight 145 (or less)
    Age: I'm figuring at 37 since my birthday is 7/10

    Scooby stats:
    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): 1493
    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE): 2315
    Daily calories based on goal in step 6 (-15%): 1968

    This week I'm on a new exercise regimen and it seems to fit my life at the moment. I'm on summer vacation (school counselor) and I've been doing the 30 DS (about 27 minutes) and then 30-40 minutes on my elliptical. Between those I burn approx. 500-600 calories. I'm on day 5 of the 30 DS and plan on doing it daily for 30 days. I'm still trying to figure out off days where I won't do the elliptical too for a break.

    Thanks for the responses. I'm still trying to figure this out and have 20 lbs to go!!!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    That sounds like a great plan to me....2000 calories/day is a good number for you from what you have put...Try that for at least 4-6wks and go from there...Just remember don't eat back your exercise calories b/c this is figured into the numbers unless you NET under your BMR...Good luck with this!! You CAN do it!!! :)
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    That sounds like a great plan to me....2000 calories/day is a good number for you from what you have put...Try that for at least 4-6wks and go from there...Just remember don't eat back your exercise calories b/c this is figured into the numbers unless you NET under your BMR...Good luck with this!! You CAN do it!!! :)

    This sounds like a good plan to me as well. Part of your issue may have been that if you were eating 1500 calories and you were estimating high calorie burns and eating those calories back, you may have been eating at maintenance. So try just eating your CUT value (don't net that, just track your intake) and see how it goes.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    it also sounds like you have done a lot of jumping around with your calories.

    When you up to 2000 just stay there for at least 8 weeks. Your body needs more than 4 weeks to adapt, so please give it at least 8 weeks before making anymore changes. Then you can reevaluate at that point.

    And take your measurements too!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    The more research I do, the more I realize I should do 2000 calories for 6-8 weeks and go from there but I was really hoping to lose 10 lbs this summer. The idea really scares me!!! And I know that is because I'm a professional dieter and that it's not the healthiest way to do it. And I want to be healthy!!!

    So I think I will do 2000 calories. So from what I understand that 2000 is what I eat...NOT net because my exercise is already figured in. Is that right? I'm terrified!!!

    My hubby thinks I should do this and the research does too. How do you get past the fears!?!
  • jgkoutr
    jgkoutr Posts: 8,105 Member
    what helps me get past the fears...(I wanted to lose my weight before my 35th bday) looking at the alternative...stay on the low calorie diet, starve half the time, and still lose the very least you can feel satisified not hungry and gain good muscle very first day of eating more calories I saw a difference in my clothes and the scale and I'm not grumpy from the lack of food :)
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    The more research I do, the more I realize I should do 2000 calories for 6-8 weeks and go from there but I was really hoping to lose 10 lbs this summer. The idea really scares me!!! And I know that is because I'm a professional dieter and that it's not the healthiest way to do it. And I want to be healthy!!!

    So I think I will do 2000 calories. So from what I understand that 2000 is what I eat...NOT net because my exercise is already figured in. Is that right? I'm terrified!!!

    My hubby thinks I should do this and the research does too. How do you get past the fears!?!

    You've got it...You eat 2000 each day and this includes exercise calories burned unless you go under BMR....
    The way I get past the fears is to check the group 24/7 and find success stories and people like you just starting to reaffirm what I am doing is the right thing!! We are ALL here to support you and YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :)
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    I don't have advice but I want to say that you are awesome for facing your non-loss and figuring there is something else you can do to change it. That, in itself, is a greater victory than actually losing without any hiccups. The reason I say that is because I used to give up every time the scales stopped budging and the measurements stopped decreasing. I'd just give up.

    The fact that you are facing this problem head on, making the changes you need to and learning is amazing. I love learning from you too.