30's Daily - 6/18

shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
Welcome to our daily thread!

We post here for motivation and support. Feel free to share your successes and your failures. Really, you should feel free to share whatever is on your mind. Just be respectful and expect respect in return.

[Anyone can start the daily thread, just make the new subject and copy and paste the intro. Thanks in advance for your help.]

☞ Name/nickname reminders -
Paul (PJYoung2012)
Carrie (camsmommy2008)
Sara Grace (SaraGrace82)
Susan or Susie (susieq101178)
Erica (epa422)
Debbie (shorty313)
Melissa (lissa0040)
Jackie (jaxygirl)
Sonya (sonyachan)
Ellie (ellie78)
CurlyPep (lilpe5512)
Harold (hcdawg)
Jill (Blueyz82)
Dan (G3tR1pp3d)
Stacy (chanstriste13)
Cristi (blueeyedcrist)
Amanda (AmandaK3)
Bishop or Todd(BishopSmurf)
Kelli (daisy51981)
Sarah (SarLem81)
Clare (clareeast)
Amanda (WhiteCloud)
Emma (elstein)
Cynthia (saihtnyc)
Emily (emom3boys)


  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member

    What a nice weekend! I relaxed AND got a bunch of stuff done. Fri night we met friends in Philly for Mexican and niehter of us had to drive so I may not may not have had too many margaritas ;) Before we leaft I got half of the FR carpet shampooed and finished the rest Sat. Sat I went for a run as well, and we also walked around New Hope PA for a few hours and got lunch. We had our dinner party at a friend's house Sat night, which was fantastic - the weather was so nice we ate and stayed outside til midnight. Yesterday was yoga, some gardening, DH went for a bike ride, the kids came back, and then BBQ at SIL's house. I made oatmeal raisin cookies and they were delicious but I really should find a healthier recipe! This had 2 sticks of butter and 2 cups of sugar :faint:

    I gorged on anything and everything this weekend and the scale reflects that (3 lbs, eek!), so back on the wagon today!
  • PJYoung2012
    PJYoung2012 Posts: 191
    Things seem to be a little quiet on the message boards these days don't they? It sounds to me like you had a lovely weekend Debbie. I don't see a problem with falling of the wagon if it's for a good cause. My weekend was similar actually. My better half moves in with me at the end of July so we set about making my home a little less man cave like. All the movie posters came down from the living room wall and we bought some new furniture for the bedroom. Next weekend we move in her monster book case and all hr house plants. The only down side is the butterfly mirror in my hallway. I guess I'm going to have to get used to it and if my friends make fun of me then so be it. Today i go into town to pick up a futon for the living room. My plan for a long walk had to go on hold as some friends visited from Australia. Which meant a trip to the pub for a dinner where options are limited and the portions are man v food sized. But i managed to keep the calories down. I got my walk in yesterday evening and i loved it. Walking up through and getting horribly lost and climbing tree brought out the big kid in me. Plus with the sun low i got some great photos including my profile pic. Believe it or not that's me smiling!

    Gym session tonight after I've sorted out this futon business. If the nice weather holds out I might try for another walk or maybe a cycle this week.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    All my morning and evening MFP time seems to have been converted to clean up after the cats time :grumble: In the last couple days they've started with some behavioral problems and it is really getting to be a bit much. I'm going to the vet tonight so I'm hoping he can offer some good solutions.

    I'm taking a couple rest days after getting in so much activity this weekend, but I do feel like I've been pretty good with food lately.

    Alright, off to work.....