Ok......I'm in......and scared`

dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
I've read the sticky topics, I've done the research and my hubby is telling me the same things you all are. I need to up my calories and get my body burning and working the way it is supposed to.

But I have some questions. Some of the reading is a little confusing so I'll just ask my questions and would love some answers. I'm sure it's all there but it's hard to weed through sometimes!!!

So I'm upping to 2000 calories today. Doing 40/30/30 for my macros. My stats are as follows:

Height: 5'4"
Starting weight: 197
Current weight: 165
Goal weight 145 (or less)
Age: I'm figuring at 37 since my birthday is 7/10

Scooby stats:
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): 1493
Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE): 2315
Daily calories based on goal in step 6 (-15%): 1968

As I understand it the 2000 calories already takes exercise into consideration. So I will not be eating my exercise calories back...... unless I net below my BMR. Is that right? So if I understand correctly.....if I burn more than 507 calories in a day then I would eat some back. Right?

And the number includes exercise 3-5 days a week. Does that mean I can take a day off from exercising and not worry about lowering my calories? I want to do this as healthy as possible but also want to do it right?

And.....how the heck do I get 150 g of protein!?!?! Is that even possible?!?! I need to control my sodium too so suggestions are helpful!!! Thanks everyone for indulging a newbie!!!


  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I remember running your numbers last night and yes you are understanding it correctly....2000 sounds like a great number for you and it's for Moderate Exercise which is 3-5hrs per week of exercise...So even if you don't exercise a day or two still eat 2000 calories for those days as well....Just eat 2000 calories every day and only eat exercise calories if you burn over 507 calories just like you said!!! I think you've got it....Best of luck to you!!! :)

    ETA: For me to get my protein in I drink protein shakes b/c I am not much of a meat eater and my favorite snack is Nuts...They are dense in calories and provide good fats as well as protein....Lots of beans, eggs, meats, greek yogurt, peanut butter - You can put peanut butter in your protein shakes...I use chocolate flavored protein so that I get my sweet/chocolate fix as well and then add in some extras if you want to...Protein is great to have but if you don't make it to 150 don't worry too much b/c you only need 1gram per pound of lean body mass....So, at least try to get 100 or more and you should be fine....I hope this helps you some!!

    I keep adding stuff as I think of it...lol...For your macros watch your sodium intake and your potassium as well...You want to try to get them at a 1:1 ratio or as close as possible b/c potassium helps to remove sodium and make sure you drink plenty plenty of water...I notice when I upped my calories I was so full I was neglecting my water and was getting headaches so I am making myself get plenty in and the headaches are gone again...Maybe that was TMI but I thought I would share...Just stick with this and you will love it....You CAN do it!!!!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    How many calories were you previously consuming? Don't be shocked or alarmed when the scale goes up TEMPORARILY! In fact, put the scale away for a month. I'm serious. I was scared too when I took the plunge to up my calories. I am so glad I did though. I went from 1400 a day to 1800-2000 a day and I feel SO MUCH better. My weight did shoot up a few pounds which freaked me out but I was assured by the nice people here that was normal and to hold on. I almost gave up but I didn't. It took about 3-4 weeks for my body to stabilize and drop back down to my normal weight then I began losing again - fast! I've been averaging 2 pounds a week loss. I love it. Eating more and losing? Who wouldn't want that?? :smile: Good luck!a

    edited to add you probably won't be losing as much as me per week as I am much heavier than you still so don't be discouraged if the number is less than 2 pounds a week. But you will lose if you give it a little time!