Advice please!

giag09 Posts: 203 Member
Hey all!
I Need some advice/ encouragement... Over the past 2 months I have gained 4 lbs and held onto iti usually eat around 1700 / 1850 calories my tdee w 15% cut is 1850ish
I was going to do the reset but with it being bathing suit season and having a pool I couldn't bear gaining a lot of weight and being bloated... But I am up 4 lbs without really cause! Could it be I need to eat more since I am more active? Checkout my diary if you don't mind
I went from 132-136
Height 5 2 1/2
27 yo


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    What are your stats and how much/how often do you exercise?

    A gain in the first 8 weeks is very normal. It's water and will start to come off in a few more weeks.
  • giag09
    giag09 Posts: 203 Member
    I have been doing em2wl for 3.5 months
    5 2 1/2 27 yo
    Exercise 6 days a week 4 days strength/ circuit
    2 days pure cardio plus swimming/ walking running around with a 3 yo and 7 mth old

    In march when I started till may I was down 4 lbs outta nowhere I went up 4 lbs
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Have you been really diligent about tracking everything on here? I know that I thought I was staying close at a cut amount a couple months ago, but then I wouldn't add stuff in and ended up closer to at TDEE or sometimes even over.
  • giag09
    giag09 Posts: 203 Member
    I log everything I'm like a crazy person lol! I don't know I am going to try to eat more and see what happens I guess
  • sugarplumj
    sugarplumj Posts: 107 Member
    I am by no means an expert, but one thing I am is very sensitive to the amount sodium in my diet. I tend to eat a lot of Asian food, and will just guess that once I have it, I will gain 5lbs over night with all the water retention. I would recommend watching sodium for a spell, drinking more water, eating more leafy greens and see what happens. It's summer (sort of) so it's the season of salty snacks and running around in the heat--not ideal if one is hoping to keep water weight down.

    Also, can you track sugars? Condiments, like ketchup, are full of sugar and empty cals.

    Again, I am NO expert, just learning as I go along, but that is the first thing that stands out when I look at your food diary.