Done with MMOs.. Anyone else?

contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
I've come to the conclusion after playing both WoW and EVE Online that there simply is no way to experience endgame content in MMOs while maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. There's really no way to participate in organized endgame group content when you play on a casual basis because it demands playing for hours in a single session and not having the ability to come and go as you please. Plus, the fact that 80% of playing any MMO is just a big massive grind/farm fest of repeating content over and over and over while trying to raise funds or acquire random drop gear that you NEED to progress further just totally killed it for me.

Spent over 3 years playing WoW and about 4 years playing EVE Online. No more. Sticking to FPS's and RTS's now, as well as more casual RPGs.


  • BaristaX
    BaristaX Posts: 151 Member
    that's the one thing I miss about Ultima Online, I wish there were more MMO's like Ultima where it was all about skill gain and stat gain from what professions you were doing, so you did not have to grind exp for leveling up, and sometimes you can just log in for an hour or two and explore a dungeon or craft some items and actually get social with others.

    but I agree, I find myself losing interest more and more in MMORPGs (maybe gaming altogether), I try to level up more in real life right now, but I still love to play video games, I am just not as crazy stoked about it anymore,
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I played Dark Age of Camelot back in the day when it was kind of the de facto MMO and the first to offer a Realm vs. Realm based combat experience. I had about 2 years into that and I quit. Then I got hooked into WoW for maybe a year, never reached 60 on a character, and when they introduced the point system for killing people on the other side, I found myself constantly getting destroyed whenever I took a mount to a neutral city because I had built my guys on a PvP server without realizing what that would eventually mean. By the time they implemented character transfers to other servers, my son had been born and I had no time to play anymore anyway.

    Since then I've tried a few F2P MMOs and even got caught up in Guild Wars for awhile, but they all get pretty boring to me after awhile. Having to depend on other players to get through certain content in addition to the constant grind just isn't my thing anymore. I've been playing a lot of Diablo 3 because, at least with certain characters, you can grind through to 60 pretty quick and easy solo'ing.
  • Cwilbanks12105
    Cwilbanks12105 Posts: 99 Member
    This is why I stopped playing about a year ago. However, I plan on getting back into wow when the new expansion hits, but Im sure about a week after I max level ill be done again.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I am.

    I think it's boring! Not because I have a vindetta against any games... Just not my thing anymore. :(

    I regret the year sub I signed up for... thinking I'd be on forever and ever. oh well! Was fun while it lasted.
  • chellebubblz
    chellebubblz Posts: 84 Member
    I disagree. I work out 2 hours a day, I'm a SAHM mom to a 4 month old boy, with an insanely clean house and my fiance never has to cook and clean. Yet when he is home from work we spend our time together playing WoW and raiding Dragon Soul lol I really am not THAT epic. I use to still manage all of the above when I worked 8 hours a day. I'm just very good at time management I guess lol
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I played Dark Age of Camelot back in the day when it was kind of the de facto MMO and the first to offer a Realm vs. Realm based combat experience. I had about 2 years into that and I quit. Then I got hooked into WoW for maybe a year, never

    You had me at Dark Age of Camelot <3 . lol I played for like 8 years then went to Basic Training. Since then i've played very little. I have 2 toddlers, go to school full time, workout a lot and have to maintain a house. I miss RvR soooooooo much
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I stopped playing WoW for the exact opposite reason. It was bothering how mind numbingly slow content is released for that game and I was constantly bored with nothing worthwhile to do. I switched back to Everquest, and should that bore me again I'll probably give up MMO's again because nothing else really peaks my interest.
  • dwightdegroff
    dwightdegroff Posts: 97 Member
    DAOC was great for end-game raiding because you could just bring 200 of your closest friends (lol) and zerg all of the content without having to spend hours farming, etc. Back when the end-game was Trials of Atlantis I used to run a weekly raid through all of the "Master Level" raids, sequentially. I would regularly have 100-200 people tag along... it was usually pretty crazy.

    I definitely miss RvR - I'm hoping that Guild Wars 2's WvW will scratch that itch a bit.

    I'm with you though, I haven't "seriously" played an MMO in a few years now because I just don't have the time to devote to end-game content. I have, however, been playing LOTRO casually on a weekly basis. Free2Play is great, because you don't feel like you're wasting your money if you don't log in for a week or two.

  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I heard Star Wars might go free to play?

    I might pick it up if that's the case lol
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I could never get into themm because there is no ending. The game type is too repetitive for me.
  • WonderCort
    WonderCort Posts: 123 Member
    I am still into MMO's but I agree about the end game content being almost impossible while keeping an active lifestyle. I have this really great guild clan that will run me with them when I can make it on. Power leveling FTW!
  • tbh id think both EVE and WOW are probably 2 of the best for casuals,

    for eve, you just need to have a good crew behind you and group up.. albeit without that it'd be alot of grind to get what you need done..

    but WoW is probably the most casual friendly game around, sure you wont be killing the huge raids with a loot system guild etc.. but with the added raid finder etc.. you can still "do it" all

    i actually left as this came in (just as cata dropped) and imagine would have kept me closer to the game

    im really looking forward to guild wars 2, especially the level scaling to zones so can ALWAYS kick it with my friends and not get left behind or "out level them"
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    This is why I stopped playing about a year ago. However, I plan on getting back into wow when the new expansion hits, but Im sure about a week after I max level ill be done again.

    This! I'd like to play MOP.
  • Arperjen
    Arperjen Posts: 108 Member
    I never got high enough level to do raiding, so it never was an issue. I generally stick with questing/dungeons, something where people won't get pissed at me for bailing on out of nowhere. I really like MMOs, but I don't have a lot of time for them because of school, work and family responsibilities. I save gaming for the evening after I'm done with my obligations. (Granted, I'm not in any MMOs right now for financial reasons, but that's beside the point.)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    tbh id think both EVE and WOW are probably 2 of the best for casuals,

    for eve, you just need to have a good crew behind you and group up.. albeit without that it'd be alot of grind to get what you need done..

    but WoW is probably the most casual friendly game around, sure you wont be killing the huge raids with a loot system guild etc.. but with the added raid finder etc.. you can still "do it" all

    i actually left as this came in (just as cata dropped) and imagine would have kept me closer to the game

    im really looking forward to guild wars 2, especially the level scaling to zones so can ALWAYS kick it with my friends and not get left behind or "out level them"

    I agree, I think wow is one of the most casual friendly games for end game content. I have never had to give up raiding to do this, I just had to give up all the alt playing. Raiding end game content (we're 7/8 hard modes, which yes, was much slower than people who play more than we do but we still got to do it) is totally possible -- we raid 2x a week for 3 hours each (Although right now its only 2 hours on tuesday and 3 on wed) and we have had no trouble making good progress. Raid extensions let you put in more direct hours on whatever fight you're working on and the VP/LFR system lets you get upgrades outside of raiding if you feel like slightly better gear would help you or you need to fast-gear up an alt to swap in.

    You just need to find a raid schedule and group that works for you. And since 10 man is now the same loot as 25 you don't feel like you have to find 25 people to show up on time. (its reasonably easy to get 10 people to show up reliably on time, AND its easier to kick their butts when they screw something up)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I've played 6 years of WoW ( 267 days /played on my hunter alone), Rift, Star Trek, Star Wars, Warhammer Online, Aion, etc and I think it's doable. Currently, I play WoW and Firefall with a huge list of other games that I rotate like LoL, D3, Minecraft, etc.

    I just started playing WoW again after a 8 month hiatus (mainly getting burned out) but I exercise in the mornings and continue playing. I think it's completely doable. I think you can be a hardcore raider and do end game and have a healthy lifestyle on the side. I don't raid 3 hours/5days a week anymore but I do raid 1-2 hours 1-2 times a week. I used to be a hardcore raider back in BC/Vanilla/Wrath but I can't do that anymore. Now it's all about moderation and keeping a healthy balance between reaching my goal and not overdoing it.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I've always been a strictly PvP player in MMOs. And the hard part to me was that you couldn't JUST PvP. You had to do SOME form of grinding to be able to keep at your PvP, whether it was acquiring new gear to stay competitive, or buying new ships in EVE. And I just never had the patience for it. EVE was the worst because you couldn't JUST go look for a fight. You could go hunting for hours and not find a single person who would engage you, unless they were baiting a trap for you. I got sick of going on 3+ hour roams that led to not finding anything.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I've always been a strictly PvP player in MMOs. And the hard part to me was that you couldn't JUST PvP. You had to do SOME form of grinding to be able to keep at your PvP, whether it was acquiring new gear to stay competitive, or buying new ships in EVE. And I just never had the patience for it. EVE was the worst because you couldn't JUST go look for a fight. You could go hunting for hours and not find a single person who would engage you, unless they were baiting a trap for you. I got sick of going on 3+ hour roams that led to not finding anything.

    not that Wow PVP Is the best, but doesn't wow have some kind of pvp where you just get equal gear to everyone else and play the game for skill? I'm pretty sure they resolved that particular issue.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I stopped a while back. I found that FPS's offer a better stop playing and go outside lifestyle.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I stopped a while back. I found that FPS's offer a better stop playing and go outside lifestyle.
