Trying to be patient...

irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
I'm on my 5th week of EM2WL. There hasn't been any change in scale weight or measurements. I've been eating at a cut of ~1900 cals. I'm trying to be patient and am hoping that one morning, when I wake up, I will be lighter and smaller all around. It is a bit frustrating and anxiety provoking.. LOL.


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm on my 5th week of EM2WL. There hasn't been any change in scale weight or measurements. I've been eating at a cut of ~1900 cals. I'm trying to be patient and am hoping that one morning, when I wake up, I will be lighter and smaller all around. It is a bit frustrating and anxiety provoking.. LOL.

    What are your stats and what do you workouts look like?
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    26 year old female.
    5'2" (rounded up)
    120 lbs
    BF: 22.5%
    RMR: 1470 (measured using oxygen test)

    I lift weights (light weights/high rep) and do exercises using my own body weight, like using the TRX about 3 times a week for 30-45 mins.

    I also run 3 miles 1 time a week, 5 miles 3 times a week, 8 miles once, and 12+ miles once. I am training for a half and full marathon.

    So... I guess I run 6 days a week, strength train 3 times a week and 1 day of rest.

    I just got a BMF about a week ago but am worried about its accuracy for cardio exercises.

    On weekends, I may eat a little bit more because I eat out and because of my long runs that burn 1000+ cals. I know I am under my TDEE though.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I think that you might not be eating enough with all the running you are doing
    1900 a day sounds not much to me for the almost 40 miles you are running a week
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Your activity level is at least the next one up from moderate for sure. I can guarantee the problem is is that you are not eating enough. Cardio especially running requires a lot of fuel...
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    I also think u are not eating enough!? Wow thats some big calorie burns I think!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I would also bet that you need to eat more. Which activity level did you use?
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I ran your numbers on and here are the numbers that I got with a 15% cut for you:

    BMR: 1339

    TDEE: 2310
    CUT: 1964 (15%)
    CUT: 2079 (10%) which sounds better for all of the exercise that you do or cut down some exercise time for now...

    This is for strenuous exercise (5-6hrs/wk)....Remember with such high calorie burns make sure that you are eating enough to get at least your BMR amount in...You said you aren't always eating at the CUT amount and that is a big thing - You have to be consistent and eat your CUT everyday -Even if you don't workout....Always make sure that you NET your BMR or you are just hurting yourself...Best of luck to you!!!

    ETA: Since it sounds like you are probably close to goal weight you may want to reduce your cut to 10% instead...Just a suggestion...
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    She may even be the next higher one, the 7+ hours, with that workout schedule.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    You also have a pretty low BMI already, plus a low BF%. And your goal is to lose another 15 lb? If so, it's going to be slow going and you probably want to target no more than 10% cut from TDEE. Also consider other goals besides losing pounds - losing inches, lifting a certain amount of weight, a certain number of push-ups/pull-ups or running distance in a certain amount of time is another option for your goal?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Agree with the rest.. you might want to lower your goal to 10% cut. And it sounds like you might be in the next activity category for the amount of work you are doing.
    Also being that close to goal, I would imagine it will be slow moving to the end.. sounds like you are doing amazing though!
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for all your responses guys. I appreciate all the feedback.

    I am not focused too much on scale weight anymore but would like to cut down on measurements. Even though I am 120 pounds I still wear a size 6-8 because of my belly fat. But, it would also be nice to be lighter because of my endurance running.

    I strength train mainly to preserve the muscle I have now and to also get some definition. I don't want to be "skinny fat".

    I try to be as close to 1900 as possible but sometimes am off by a few calories. I figure on weekends when I eat a little more it will all average out? Hmm... Now I just have to figure out how much to up my calories. I was hoping BMF would help me but apparently it's not accurate with endurance exercise and over estimates?

    Oh, and I also use the Cunningham formula since I know my BF% and it's the one that matches my RMR closely. Everything else is off by 100-200
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    I think I will up my calories to 2000? Does this sound okay?
  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    I think I will up my calories to 2000? Does this sound okay?

    Do this for a few weeks (2 minimum).....if still no change, up them again.....just keep doing that until you start seeing results.
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    Well, I tried to eat 2000 cals today and I'm not quite there yet but I'm stuffed!!! Still have about 50 more cals to go but maybe I will leave some room for calories from food that may be a little over.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Do you track your burns with a HRM?
    That could help to find out how high your burns really are while running.
    And yes, up your cals ;)
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    I do track my burns with my HRM but I'm not too sure how accurate it is either. Sometimes it acts a little wonky.. I can average a HR of 145 one mile and it will tell me I'm burning 88 cals/mile and then the next mile I run with the same HR, it'll tell me I burned 77.