Correct activity setting

Just looking for other's opinions on my activity level.. Some background - started EM2WL 3 weeks ago, haven't gained a lb despite jumping calories from 1500 daily to 2400 which is my 20% cut. I lift 4 days a week for 35 min, do HIIT 2 days a weeks for 25 min, cardio 2 days a week for 45 min, and then a 5 mile run 2 days a week. 4 days a week I burn between 800-1200 calories a workout according to my Garmin HRM. The other 2 around 600. Currently I have my setting on scoobys site to moderate, 3-5 hours a week, but I find I have to eat back close to 400 calories a day just to net my BMR. Does this indicate that I should go to the next level? Or is it ok that I am never actually eating above my BMR? Almost daily, my overall intake is like 3000 calories, but my net is only 1900-2000. The only day the cut doesn't have me below my bmr is Sunday, my rest day. Any thoughts?


  • I think most people on here would recommend re-running your numbers with an increased activity level. On most days you should be able to exercise and still NET a couple hundred calories over your BMR. If you are consistently having to eat back exercise calories than most likely your TDEE needs to be increased.
  • Thanks!