"You don't need to lose weight"

All I ever hear from my family and friends is "You don't need to lose weight". It gets pretty annoying, but instead of answering them I just laugh and walk away. When someone says this to you or something similar what is your response?


  • xandraworld
    I think they are just jealous and want to keep me fat so they look skinnier. It may seem paranoid, but it's true.
  • _Laughter
    _Laughter Posts: 17
    I think they say that to be nice, lol. That's my guess. I'm not fat but I did get a little chubby over the year and I look WAY different from when I was 120 and now I am around 135-137.
  • SmallBodyBigHeart
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I try to avoid talking about weight at all since it makes many people defensive, as though they are thinking, "If she thinks that she needs to lose weight, then what must she think of me?" So if they tell you that you don't need to lose weight, you could just say, "Thanks!" and then change the subject by asking them a question. However, if anyone asks why I am not eating the junk offered, instead of saying anything about weight, I usually tell them that I am really focused on eating healthy and gaining muscle and that usually helps to redirect the conversation.
  • Pirschjaeger
    Pirschjaeger Posts: 15 Member
    I get told I don't need to loose weight, but they are not the ones that have to see the extra jiggly blubber I'm hiding under my clothes. I stopped telling people that I'm on a diet, especially if they are a heavier person.
  • SmallBodyBigHeart
    Anyone else?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I also don't mention losing weight, I think it does make people uncomfortable if you are already at a healthy weight. If they comment on my exercise or refusal of junk food, I just say I am training for a race or Warrior Dash, or I'll say, I am trying not to eat refined sugar and flour, I have a beach vacation coming up.
  • sagsaywaman
    sagsaywaman Posts: 3 Member
    great reply!
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    I always say that I know I'm not fat but that I gained this weight by eating really badly and not exercising. If they push it I mention how I just want to feel better about myself.

    I try not to discuss it with people who I don't consider a good friend because they don't know me well enough to comment on it. My friends are pretty good though, they either let me have a discussion about nutrition and exercise or they make a joke/ignore me and move on haha.
  • Huggybearz75
    Huggybearz75 Posts: 29 Member
    I get that a lot and I'm not even trying to lose much but I am wanting to get healthier and more fit. When my lifestyle (diet/exercise) gets mentioned in a conversation, they will usually roll their eyes and say the same thing, "You don't need to watch what you eat, you're already skinny." *smh*
  • naasirab
    naasirab Posts: 43
    I always get the "you dont need to lose weight, you could just tone up" ... thing is, I could have abs of steel and killer biceps but you wouldn't be able to tell with the layer of fat I have covering it all, therefore I need to lose some weight. I just ignore the comments, and keep on doing what I'm doing.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    This is why I stopped telling people about my health/fitness journey. I am petite and have always been small, but that means I have no muscle mass. People can't tell how much of me is excess fat. I just tell them that I try to eat healthy and they leave me alone. It's not about how much I weigh anyway. It's about how healthy and in shape I am, and I have a ways to go.
  • JennMarieFitz
    JennMarieFitz Posts: 73 Member
    I got a lot of those comments when I visited my friends and family. These are people who have always told me I didn't need to lose weight, but commented on how awesome I looked when they finally saw me and I was 15 pounds down (like a year ago, I've since gained a lot back). I don't like a lot of things that people offer me anyway, like sweets and sodas, so I've always been able to say no without people questioning. But when it comes to something like a bacon cheeseburger.... It's SO hard to pass it up when someone's saying "you can afford it, you're so little". So I'll take it and eat half of it, saying I'm full - which frankly, I probably am, since I never end up hungry later.

    But if you say you're focusing on health instead of weight, it helps too =) I have a lot of family friends who are very overweight and they will go out to pizza for lunch and giggle at me for my little turkey sandwich. It stinks to be made fun of for something like that! But, in the long run, I'll probably outlive them all.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    For this reason I avoid the topic of weight loss all together. I'm not shy to talk about the fact that I work out, but I try and leave the diet part out of it. It's very frustrating though I find in social situations when people keep offering you food, it's hard to deflect sometimes. People always do the, "oh you can have just one!" and I feel like screaming "don't you know 1 doughnut is 300 calories!!!"

    Really though, it's my body and I can do with it what I like. If people want to judge me for trying to be more fit, well then they are just silly IMO! I onluy open up about the diet part of it if people ask and seem genuinely interested.
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    My fall-back response is that I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm trying to be healthy.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    Well when it comes down to it I would rather be made fun of by others for being healthy than to hate myself for staying unhealthy.. RIGHT??
    And believe me i AM made fun of... and i get the eye rolls too. It puts me into an uncomfortable position but i think that secretly they wish they had my willpower. I will be honest and say that when i break down about those feelings.. its done on MFP and i move on. So i guess that means i owe a BIG THANK YOU to all my new friends.. I would never be able to deal with this without all of you!
  • Drizap
    Drizap Posts: 34 Member
    'I was just on vacation, staying at a friends house and this topic came up and I really wish it hadn't because everything i was eating was scrutinized. Then there were comments like, "eat some more cake you are on vacation" or " why are you eating diet food." People get really weird when others are eating healthy. I try to avoid those convo's at all cost.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    It used to bug me too.

    But now I just say "thank you , I know I don't NEED to. I WANT to."

    And move on. :smile:
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    Long story short, I cried after seeing a picture I took of myself the other day. I looked so much bigger than I remember being. I vented to my boyfriend, and he told me, "But you look just fine to me."

    I told him, simply, "And I appreciate that, I do, but it doesn't matter. Even if Patrick Stump himself says I don't need to lose any weight, it doesn't matter because I don't look fine *to me*, and it's my opinion of my body that matters the very most."

    So far, no one has told me I was wrong to think that.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    when i first started losing weight and people said it my response was 'i have a very small wedding dress to fit into' (as i was getting married) which people accepted even though it was only half the truth - i did but i also wanted to just be generally mor efit and healthy and toned.

    on my wedding day people actually came up to me and said ' now you dont need to worry about your diet any more you must be so pleased' which drove me MAD so i stopped MFP updating on to my facebook as it was friends there saying things. and now i dont mention my weight at all. i'm not losing but i am carrying on my fitness regime and would like to reduce my BF% little more.

    i have a few heavier friends who are trying to lose weight - i cringe when they talk about their 'super noodle and special k diet' but i dont say anything unless asked... not that they ever do, they just think i am 'skinny' and have never worked at it (not that i lost 18lbs or anything!) which i find a little hurtful, but such is life!