What's a week of exercise look like for you?



  • I'm set for 3-5 hrs moderate on MFP & Scooby but I would never call my crossfit or Kung Fu workouts moderate... I really want a wrist monitor!

    Monday~ Crossfit w/kettlebell 30 min
    Tuesday~ run 2 mi. 50 min Piyo, 90 min Kung Fu
    Wed~ run 2 mi. Crossfit w/kettlebell 30 min, 50 min bellydancing
    Thursday~ 90 min Kung Fu
    Friday~ run 2 mi, rest or lift body part least used in crossfit this week LOL 30 min.
    Saturday~ run 2 mi, rest or lift body part least used in crossfit this week LOL 30 min.
    Sunday, rest
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I lift weights 3 times per week and then I go for walk several other days. And currently I swim but it's just casual leasure swimming with the kiddos, and I try to tread water for most of the time in the pool.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    I'm on kind of on moderate, although in reality i use my fitbit to decide how active i am and do the 15% cut from what it says my average TDEE is.
    I've recently upped my exercise and the distance i'm running so this is really only what i've been doing lately.
    But my week looks something like:

    Mon: NROLFW
    Tue: Cycling intervals on stationary bike
    Wed: 5km run
    Thurs: NROLFW + cycling intervals
    Friday: rest day
    Saturday: Run 5km
    Sunday: either run 10km or NROLWF+short run

    Most days my exercise goes for about 40mins but on the weekend it can go a bit longer.
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    I walk my dog 5 times a week for 30+ minutes, lift heavy 3x/week, and do one longer endurance or HIIT cardio workout in the gym. On the days that I walk my dog I hardly even count it as exercise because it's so relaxed...but between lifting heavy and my longer cardio day in the gym, it works out to about 3-5 hours per week of moderate-to-intense exercise.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I would say quite a few of you are active rather than moderate. Ive set mine to acitve.
    I do insanity 6days a week with one rest day. However, also have a very active full time job where im always walking/climbind stairs etc. The active setting works for me as im no longer hungry. I move on to the max workouts this week which are near enough an hr long so will have to see how my cut works.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    you are all awesome! i hope to have a "routine" ONE DAY! now i just do whatever i can when i can...im ALL over theplace!

    The ^^^ is me for the summer anyways b/c my 3yr old is home with only me 24/7 so I play with him and we take walks and I clean up after him all day long...lol We also go to the zoo all day once every 3wks or so(as long as it's not too hot) and we go swimming at least once a week, more if possible... I have mine set at an average between light and moderate but still debating on if I should go down to light for the summer???

    During school time though my schedule was Mon, Wed, Fri, Chalean Extreme Lifting...Tues, Thurs, Sat - Ab and core work and cardio of some kind....Sunday was usually rest day and sometimes Saturday had to be as well...But I was definitely doing moderate then and will go back to that in August...YAY!!!

    ETA: Any suggestions which way I should go right now for the summer?? Just curious - Now after looking at the summer stuff maybe I should keep it at the avg of the two b/c light seems to light now???
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    Until 4 weeks ago (I think) I was walking, using the elliptical and using the stationery bike for a total of about 5 hours a week.

    I've now added 30 Day Shred - 30 mins each session - into the mix. I'm doing it 4 times a week and making up the other 3 hours with the cardio stuff. Walking is the only thing my husband gets around to doing so I like to do that but in all honesty I prefer using the bike because I can get a great workout and calorie burn. I'm itching to give jogging a go but don't want to leave hubby behind ;)

    Forgot to say....i put myself at 'moderate'.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I lift 3x/wk
    I do HIIT (run/walk outside) for an hr or so 3 days a week, occasionally 4 while pushing an almost 3yr old in a stroller.
    On the days I lift or what is suppose to be my rest day I go for an easy walk with my oldest daughter since I don't let her come with me when I run.

    I can get pretty busy during the day some days and I am terrible about taking a full rest day. I know I need to but we are a pretty active bunch here so even on my rest day which is usually Sundays, we go to the pool, hiking, bike ride, walk, etc.

    I am set at 5-6hrs strenuous. My cardio will go way down once the colder/darker weather creeps in so while I know I should learn to take a full rest day, this is only temporary. On my last week of the reset I am going to take a full rest. Well, no lifting or running anyway. I will still be active, take a light walk here and there but nothing too crazy.

    The next step up is 7-21 hrs and that seems like a huge jump. I tend to go over TDEE slightly anyway so I figure I have some wiggle room and I am not crazy hungry so I think I am in a good spot!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm at moderate also

    3 days a week - NROLW
    2-3 days a week light cardio - yoga, walking, elliptical (also including chasing kids, cooking, cleaning, etc)
    1-2 rest days a week
  • katnohat
    katnohat Posts: 43 Member
    Sunday: Yoga, stretching
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday: running and circuit training
    Tuesday, Thursday: Stationary bike intervals and circuit training

    I generally get about 6 hours of exercise per week.