Ready to do this! Need some help please.

Alrighty guys. I've been lurking long enough! I'm ready to try upping my calories!

Here's a little background first-- I'm 38 years old. I've gone from size 12s being tight to a size 2/4 depending on the brand. I've lost 30 lbs in the past year and 1/2 plus another 10 prior to that. I'm 5ft 2in and weigh 111.6 (or 110.6 on low days). I'm quite happy with my current weight, I'm just working on building muscle/shedding what's left of my belly flub. Right now I eat 1660 calories per day PLUS my exercise calories. I workout 6 days a week and on strength days (I'm doing the Jackie Warner 30 Day Fast Start DVD which is just under 1 hour) I burn around 225 calories give or take a few. I have 2 cardio days a week where I burn anywhere from 400-600 calories depending on how long I workout. I'm currently in an airboot for 3 more weeks due to a stress fracture so I'm only allowed to do cardio on the stationary bike. I can't do any lunges or other such activities. I'm an avid runner and had started distance running with my longest run (usually on the weekends) being around 13 or 14 miles. I do plan on getting back to running once the boot is gone and I'm cleared to do so.

I put my information in the scooby calculator and set my goal to gain muscle/lose fat. I also said I did 5-6 hours strenuous activity a week. It said I should be eating 2150. Are those the correct choices for me? Do I eat back exercise calories too? I've got my macros set at 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. Thanks guys!!!


  • Anyone?
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Hi and welcome to the group! Yes you are correct in your calorie estimation with the scooby site. If you are looking to build muscle, you may want to change your macros to more 50/25/25 or so, particularly if you are mostly interested in endurance . You are quite the tiny thing! Congrats on the weight loss by the way!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Your TDEE number factors in your activity. So, No, you would not eat back those calories burned UNLESS your burn takes you under your BMR...\So say your TDEE is 2100, your BMR is 1800.. if you burned 400 cals.,. 2100-400 = 1700.. you would need to eat 100 cals to net over BMR.

    You want to make sure you never eat below your BMR number, and not above your TDEE number..

    does this help?
  • Yes! That totally helps! Thanks!
  • Your TDEE number factors in your activity. So, No, you would not eat back those calories burned UNLESS your burn takes you under your BMR...\So say your TDEE is 2100, your BMR is 1800.. if you burned 400 cals.,. 2100-400 = 1700.. you would need to eat 100 cals to net over BMR.

    You want to make sure you never eat below your BMR number, and not above your TDEE number..

    does this help?

    So scooby says my BMR is 1245 and my TDEE is 2150. What should I set my calories at? Personally I'd chew my own arm off if I got anywhere close to only netting 1245 for the day! LOL!
  • BUMP.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Your TDEE number factors in your activity. So, No, you would not eat back those calories burned UNLESS your burn takes you under your BMR...\So say your TDEE is 2100, your BMR is 1800.. if you burned 400 cals.,. 2100-400 = 1700.. you would need to eat 100 cals to net over BMR.

    You want to make sure you never eat below your BMR number, and not above your TDEE number..

    does this help?

    So scooby says my BMR is 1245 and my TDEE is 2150. What should I set my calories at? Personally I'd chew my own arm off if I got anywhere close to only netting 1245 for the day! LOL!

    For weight loss, most of us in here cut TDEE-15%... so for you, that would take you to about 1800 cals a day for your daily target.
  • So if I put my calories at 1800 for the day and don't eat back my exercise calories, that'll have me eating less than I currently do. :( Hmmmm... Since I'm not actively trying to shed pounds (looking to build muscle/lose body fat %) , is this still what I should do?
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    So if I put my calories at 1800 for the day and don't eat back my exercise calories, that'll have me eating less than I currently do. :( Hmmmm... Since I'm not actively trying to shed pounds (looking to build muscle/lose body fat %) , is this still what I should do?

    If that's what you want to achieve you need to select it in step 6 of the scooby calculator. It should be the same as your TDEE number.

    Hope that helps.

    Edit - I just re-read your original post and that's what you went for anyway. Trust me to not read through properly :blushing: So yes that's the number to go with :)
  • So I'm aiming for the TDEE of 2150? Or the 15% less amount of 1800 to gain muscle/lose body fat %?

    Gah! I'm making this WAY more complex than it needs to be aren't I?
  • Can anyone answer my last question regarding if I should be set at 2150 or at 1800? Thanks!
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    If you aren't looking to lose you would eat at your TDEE. The cut is used for loss.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    If you aren't looking to lose you would eat at your TDEE. The cut is used for loss.

    Try this for a bit.
  • If you aren't looking to lose you would eat at your TDEE. The cut is used for loss.

    Thank you!! That's what I needed to know! :)