Is this possible? {reset related}

wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
I'm wondering if anyone has lost during the reset? I checked my exercise last week and was at 2.5 hours, fitting into what I put for scooby. I'm just down a little bit today....not complaining, but my body just feels different, in a good way which is why I decided to jump on the scale (I used to do jump on the scale every day before I joined this group :/). I'm getting better at having protein after workouts too, so I think that's helping. Just wondering what your experiences have been with the reset.


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi there!
    If you keep trending down, you are below your TDEE.
    I am resetting as well, but I have not lost, I gained a bit.