Tell us about yourself/your goals



  • vai45
    vai45 Posts: 29
    Hey everyone, I'm Vai. I started the program 3 weeks ago. One of my goals has always been to run a mile w/o stopping! I'm loving the intervals, it makes the time go by way faster. Right now I'm doing it on the treadmill, but hope to test running outside soon! Good luck to everyone :)
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    Hi, I am Terri. I am not 100% new to running, as I ran both track and cross country in high school - 20 years ago. So I'm starting out with some basic knowledge of what to do/not do as far as runs go. However, I am not a 120 pound 18 year old anymore, so I'll need to get reacclimated to the running stress on my body.

    Here's my stats:

    Height: 5'2.5"
    SW: 212 pounds
    CW: 208 pounds
    GW: 150 pounds (may adjust that down once I get there)

    Tonight will be W1D1 for me, so I'll check in tomorrow via my blog how I am doing! If anyone here wants to add me as a friend, I'd welcome that!

    Yes, this is my second attempt at starting C25K (due to an injury earlier this year, I tried to soon). And I've also been up and down on weight over the years, but I am viewing my whole health as a lifestyle change, not specifically noting it as weight loss.

    Good luck to all of you too!
  • Meadows_Mommy05
    Hello everyone,

    I hope you all are having a great week so far!! :smile:

    I did Week 1 Day 1 of the C25K today!! It felt great!!
    I'm soooo excited that i'm doing this. I have a lot of weight to lose and my left foot is sore right now (a week ago i stepped on my daughters toy and hurt it) but I'm going to ice it. While I was jogging my right knee was bothering me. But it's feeling fine now!!
    Take care

  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi! I'm Rachel. I am turning 40 9/20, and would like to be under 200 pounds and running/jogging by then. I want to celebrate my 40th birthday as the healthiest me ever! I have tried c25k before, about 30 pounds ago. Maybe this time will be easier? I hope so. I have weak ankles and knees, but have been doing some strength training for them and have knee and ankle braces too, so we'll see how this goes.

    SW 291
    CW 215ish
    GW 141
    Short term goal: anything under 200!!
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Kim. I am turning 40 tomorrow and I really started on MFP about 3 months ago. I was skinny when I was younger until I was in a car accident that did damage to my back and hip. I put on 100lbs over 10 years and decided enough was enough. I am mom to a very active 9yr old boy my turning point was when I realized I was to tired to play with him. He is a very good hockey goalie and loves it when I practice with him by taking shots at him and I just couldn't do it.
    I thought the C25K program was something that I would be able to follow even if I need to repeat weeks. I would love to do a half marathon in the future but I am not so sure about doing 26.2 miles.

    My stats:
    SW 212
    CW 183
    GW 130ish
    Short term goal lose 40 by Christmas.

    I am up to w4d3 now and I really look forward to my time running. It really gets me refocused and relaxed and I find the rest of my day runs smoother.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    HI! My name is Rebecca. I just finished Week 2, Day 3 last night. I am new to running too, but I am excited about it. I had been doing the eliptical at the gym for my cardio. My 10 year old step daughter is an excellent soccer player, but she gets winded easily - she just doesn' t have the endurance. She asked me how she could get better, and I told her she was going to have to start running to try to build her endurance up. So I started running with her. :) We found the C25K program, and take our dog Harley with us on our runs - if it's not too hot out. I just signed her and I up yesterday for The Color Run on Oct 6th! I am excited to run in my very first race. I have set a goal of..... finishing it. LOL for this first race, I would be extatic if I could run the whole 5K without stopping. :smile:

    Here's my stats:

    Age: 29
    Height: 5'9"
    SW: 286
    CW: 218
    GW: 159

    I am supposed to start Week 3 day 1 tomorrow, but I am wondering if I should repeat week 2 first....
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Christine. I tried doing the C25K program once before, but petered out after week 3. Recently I've been doing the 30DS DVDs, and have been impressed with how much my body has been able to change and adapt. I feel like I'm ready to put my running shoes back on.

    Right now I'm using a treadmill, which I know is different than running outside, but it is helpful to me for 2 reasons
    1. I have had a really difficult time finding a place that's local where I feel safe running - I don't have a buddy to run with.
    2. The treadmill helps me pace myself. I'm taking it really slow right now, running at about 5mph. Last time I tried this, I believe that trying to run too fast at first was one of the things that contributed to my giving up.

    I know I'll have to get some street/track experience soon, but at least I can get started on the treadmill.

    I haven't officially started Wk1 yet, but I'm ready to go on Monday - I did practice runs on the treadmill yesterday and today, and I am completely confident that I can do week 1 as I am now, and probably could even handle week 2 - I can run at my slower pace for 2min+ with no problem.

    I'm considering signing up for a 5K for the month of October to use as a motivator, but I'm nervous about it. :(

    My stats:
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'6"
    Starting Weight - 185
    Current Weight - 175
    Goal Weight - 155
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 300 Member
    My name is christina. I am in week three of I love running I love how good I feel during and after.
    Age 36
    Sw 251
    Cw 195
    Goal 155
    Ultimate goal 145
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    hello.. my name is Melissa, I am on Week 4 day 2 of C25k!

    Sw: 177.6
    Cw: Unknown- not weighing for 30 days
    GW: 130

    I am running a 5k with my family in October here where I live, and then I have this crazy dream to run a Half Marathon in FL in Feb of 2013. Almost the day after my 5k I will have to start training for my Half Marathon, but its a 12 week program 6 days a week training with 1 rest day. Which is perfect for me since I only rest 1 day a week now, I'm running, or walking, everyday already.

    I'm training on the treadmill right now, which I love bc I can come home and workout right away, or get up early and jump on. When school starts back I plan to take 2-3 days out of the week and transfer my training to the inside track at my school between classes to build up my pace and endurance running "by myself". This will be perfect, I can train like this for about 4 months and then run my 1/2 marathon that Feb.

    This dream scares me, but its something that I have been wanting to do for more than 5 years.. before I ever even knew there was something called "c25k" or a training that helped ppl run. It excites me, to be doing something I honestly thought I wasn't "born" able to do...(I know it sounds funny but I honestly thought that!) like in high school when girls and guys can just get out on the track and run and I was panting after like 30 secs! I have come so far and I'm so proud of myself!!!

    I am glad to be here :smile:
  • brendalamb
    I would like to run a 5K in late spring or summer. I started using the app previously, but got sidetracked on my goals. I've restarted using the app and will begin again. The first go-round, I found that I had to redo some weeks because the next weeks were just too much. I'm starting from scratch, being a non-runner. Any tips? Did any of you have to repeat weeks before progressing onto the next week?
  • mamagirl49
    mamagirl49 Posts: 97 Member
    This is great! I'm so glad to see everyone supporting each other, and the timing of finding this group is perfect!

    I downloaded a c25k app from Run Double. It's a 9 week program and I'm in week 7. I'm to the point where I'm just supposed to run for 25 minutes straight, but it's difficult. I've not yet done it, but I will! My company hosts a 5k every august near atlanta, and last year I was a volunteer. And the year before that. And the year before that.

    So, I'm going to DO it this year. I had gastric bypass in July of last year and was just 1 month out at the 5K last year, so this year I want to show what a difference a year can make. I hope to be able to run it all. 6 weeks ago, I would have thought that was unrealistic, but now with just 2 months left, I really think I might make it! Here are my stats, and please feel free to friend me if you want to stay connected!
    Age - 31
    SW 343
    CW 228
    GW 150

    bump for c25k app from Run Double. Your numbers are awesome! Looking forward to those results!
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I just started c25k with run double this week.

    Height: 5'9
    SW: 238
    CW: 227
    GW:145 ish

    I have always been the person saying I hate running. Slowly but surely I'm starting to like it but I really want to be able to run 9 miles straight one day to survive zombies lbs. I can't wait to do the color run this summer and the zombie 5k in oct!