Still under eating

Still way under eating :( Don't know what to do. I'm just never hungry and now that I'm eating 6 times a day I feel like I'm forcing the food down. Yesterday I net 1000 calories which is a little over half of my BMR I really want to eat around 2300 calories or at least net 1900. I decided not to go to the GYM today because I did not want to net that little again. I was never a big eater and only ate 3 times a day but each meal had at least 1000 calories and my last meal would be at like 10 pm and I never exercised. I love eating healthy foods and working out, it makes me feel good but I'm concerned because I'm losing weight too fast I've lost a total of 15 lbs in one month but it took me a while to lose the first couple and just this week alone I lost 5 lbs. I weight myself every Monday around the same time (as soon as I wake up) and decided to weight myself again today because I was curious and noticed that I lost 1lb in just one day. I'm thrilled that I'm losing weight, I want to lose 100 lbs but I don't want to lose too fast either.

I need healthy meal ideas/snacks that are high in calorie and protein.


  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    u cant just go to mcdonalds?
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    hahaha don't tell her to go to mcdonalds!!

    try adding more fat into your diet... or things like

    Cottage cheese
    Nut Butters
    90% Cocoa
    Cook in Olive Oil
    Sweet Potato/Yam
    Brown Rice
    Oatmeal (1 cup dry is 300 cal!!) ..breakfast can be 1 cup oats, 1 banana, 1 scoop protein and 10 nuts and youre at 570ish cal!!
  • LaBori7
    LaBori7 Posts: 35
    And how exactly is this going to help me???
  • LaBori7
    LaBori7 Posts: 35
    Thanks, I'm eating all of that except the oatmeal. That's a good idea though. My biggest problem is that I don't like eating breakfast at all plus not to mention that I don't have time for it so I drink a protein shake with milk which is like 280 cal.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Thanks, I'm eating all of that except the oatmeal. That's a good idea though. My biggest problem is that I don't like eating breakfast at all plus not to mention that I don't have time for it so I drink a protein shake with milk which is like 280 cal.

    I used to hate eating breakfast and actually didn't have anything more than coffee until almost 11 until I realized what it was doing to my body. Fatigue, depression, cranky, my body was literally shutting down. It took me almost a month of conscience breakfast eating before I began to wake up hungry. I understand if you don't have time in the morning to cook or sit down and eat breakfast so maybe try to find ways to up the calories in your morning protien shake. I add plain greek yogurt to my shakes about half a cup adds 60 calories but also adds 11 grams of protien. You could find the full fat greek yogurt ( it is hard to find here or I would use that) and it would probably add more calories. Snack bags of Almonds, sunflower kernels, jerky, pistachios those things help me through out the day.
  • hollydohrman
    hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
    I'm not a big breakfast eater either. I put two scoops of protein powder in my shake and two tbsp of peanut butter. It adds about 350 calories.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    whats wrong with mcdonalds?

    eat 2 grilled ceasar salads. they taste good
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Thanks, I'm eating all of that except the oatmeal. That's a good idea though. My biggest problem is that I don't like eating breakfast at all plus not to mention that I don't have time for it so I drink a protein shake with milk which is like 280 cal.

    A lot of this is learning how to eat - how to spread the food out in a way that works for you. When you are eating more calories, not eating much for breakfast usually tends to leave WAY too many calories in the evening and most people find that makes it even worse to try and get your calories in. So, whatever you can do to get some extra cals in at breakfast will be helpful. If you find you are having trouble upping your cals to your tdee - 15% then do it slowly, each week add another 100 calories until you get to your goal. If you find that you are eating your tdee -15%, but still not netting enough, then your activity level was set too low when you figured out your tdee and you need to recalculate using a higher activity level. You should always be netting above BMR.

    If you are having trouble finding the right numbers, then post your stats here with your exercise schedule and we'll help you with that. :smile:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    whats wrong with mcdonalds?

    eat 2 grilled ceasar salads. they taste good

    First the amount of sodium in Mcdonalds is crazy second I am not sure who could sit down and eat 2 grilled ceasar salads at once third offering fast food as a calorie upper really isn't healthy or productive.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    whats wrong with mcdonalds?

    eat 2 grilled ceasar salads. they taste good

    Ok, before a fight breaks in moderation is just fine. :smile: Just like any other food. It certainly isn't a banned food option or anything. It's just not recommend as a problem solver to getting in more calories on a regular basis since the calories should come from as much unprocessed food as possible and the goal is to develop a healthy lifestyle. The amount of sodium in mcdonalds food speaks to the amount of processing....even in their grilled salads. Sorry.
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    bump I love to see all the answers. I don't have a pal losing too much to fast. That is interesting though...Slow and steady for this old girl!:)
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    who eats mcdonalds daily?

    i was just saying
  • LaBori7
    LaBori7 Posts: 35
    Thanks everyone for the great ideas.

    I'm 5'6, 239 lbs, 27 years old and I workout 60 mins 6 days a week. 3 days I do cardio 3 days I do strength training. Thanks!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Hey there! I went to the scooby site and ran your numbers for you...Not sure what you have them as now but just in case:

    BMR: 1872

    Moderate Exercise(3-5hrs/wk)
    TDEE: 2902
    CUT (-15%); 2466

    Strenuous Exercise (5-6hrs/wk) <<This sounds like you to me
    TDEE: 3229
    CUT(-15%): 2745

    **To get your calories in maybe drink an extra protein shake each day as well plus my favorite is nuts b/c they are dense in calories and have good fats in them...This is my snack of choice to up my calories...Hope this helps you some!! :)
  • LaBori7
    LaBori7 Posts: 35
    Thank you! You're always so helpful. It's so hard to eat that much now that I'm eating helthier. I'm going to try some of the things posted here like greek yogurt, oatmeal, and nuts.

    Hey there! I went to the scooby site and ran your numbers for you...Not sure what you have them as now but just in case:

    BMR: 1872

    Moderate Exercise(3-5hrs/wk)
    TDEE: 2902
    CUT (-15%); 2466

    Strenuous Exercise (5-6hrs/wk) <<This sounds like you to me
    TDEE: 3229
    CUT(-15%): 2745

    **To get your calories in maybe drink an extra protein shake each day as well plus my favorite is nuts b/c they are dense in calories and have good fats in them...This is my snack of choice to up my calories...Hope this helps you some!! :)