
Hi, my name is Cynthia. I did the BFL Challenge almost 11 years ago with great results ( started at 177lbs, lost 25 lbs, 10% bf, felt great). After finishing, I took a break..that never ended, got pregnant (on bed rest a lot) and weighed 221 when my daughter was born. Thankfully I got back down to 165 and maintained the 160's for the past 9 years. Recently I hit 171 and knew I was out of control. I started BFL three weeks and two days ago at 168.5.

My first challenge was all about finishing strong, and looking all ripped like many of the Grand Champions. While I had great results, I didn't look like them, and had no plans established for "after the challenge". I was a perfect candidate to gain it all back because I never overcame why I overate and never fell in love with exercising. My workouts were a battle, never a blessing. Now I am enjoying the challenge.

So here I am. I'm wiser, older, and have a little girl who is watching me closely. I am grateful that muscle has memory and I'm hoping to end this challenge fitter and fine lol.

My hubby of almost 15 years is a wonderful support, my daughter is my biggest fan, and my cat seems to think the treadmill is to lay on whenever I need to use it.

Good luck to all the BFLers. My Chalkenge ends August 28th.


  • tinytimsummers
    tinytimsummers Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome. It is good to have as part of the group. I am on round 2 of BFL for this year. I started this year with round 1 and lost about 30#, I then took a month to try another workout routine and now I am on my 3rd week of my second round of BFL. I like this program and I enjoy hitting the weights.

    Good luck and keep us posted on you progress.

  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Im interested in starting the program and I've found the website. I tried looking for the book on my Kindle, but the original Body for Life is not available. I was wondering if I should get the newest version or go for the original. Or is there enough information on the website to figure this out on my own? I'm worried about the food as I have no support at home from my husband. He likes to bring home cookies and chips even though I do the bulk of the shopping. I'm wondering if there are menu ideas in the book or should I also get Food for Life too. Also I don't want to spend money on supplements. Can you do this with out the supplements? I just bought a protien powder from Walmart and have been make shakes with that. Any suggestions, tips, info would be greatley appreciated.:flowerforyou: