Starting and finishing weight Stage 1

Hi All

I have just started NROL4W; I've lifted heavy before, but always used the machines in the gym rather than free-weights. I've only done 2 workouts but already I can say that i'm loving it! Its so different to what I have been used to, so its really refreshing to try something new. Also, I can't wait to see how much i can lift!

My question is, how much wieght did you start with when you first started, and how much could you lift by the end of stage 1?


  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    The best gains I had were in squats, deadlifts and Lat pulls. Started with 45# on squat, ended with 75#. Deads went from 45# to 95#. Lat pulls from 45 to 70.

    You'll enjoy it. I was super weak when I started and I'm in Stage 3 now. I really feel like I'm gaining strength despite keeping my calories relatively. low.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    squat start: 20lbs dumbbell on back of neck - END - 115lbs
    deadlift start 20lbs dumbbells - end - 115lbs

    Everyone is different and you can excel further at different exercises, you may not increase at all on certian ones, where you may go very far on others..

    Its different for everyone!

    good luck!!
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I just started two weeks ago. I am really liking it also. I was afraid to use the 45lb olympic bar at first but now I am conquering it. All the guys in the gym sure do give a look when a woman is doing deadlifts and squats with the bar. I just did 65lbs with squats and deadlifts this week. I could probably go higher on my next work out with the deadlifts. I am still using 15lbs in each hand for lunges and step up. The step I am using is pretty high.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I am in Phase 1 right now and can see huge improvements in weight already. I am in week 5. My biggest jumps were in squats, lunges, and deadlifts. I started out with 10 on squats and do 50 right now, same with lunges, and started with the bar alone and 5 lbers on each side, and now 95 lbs total--that includes the bar. But I've also upped significantly in everything else too! I am loving it!
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    I started super low on weights - body weight on most to try and work on form. I'm working up but can't go very high because I'm using home equipment. (Changing soon!)

    I loved stage 1 also, one more bonus workout and I'm done. Push yourself but if it won't work, it won't work, and be happy with what you can do! :)