How to get enough food in?

Maybe I'm one of the only ones that struggles with eating... lol. Since starting EM2WL a little more than a week ago, I have noticed a huge surge in energy and vigor not only in my workouts but in day to day life. However, I find it hard to get enough calories in sometimes! I have been eating tons of avocados and peanut butter, but one can only eat them for so long! With huge meals, I feel incredible full, so I can't just "keep eating" even though I know it's within my calorie range.

I try eat fairly "clean", so I try not to have much sugar (sometimes that goes out the window, though!), but I always end up about 200 calories below my TDEE, and 100 calories above my BMR. So, my BMR is 1500 and my TDEE is 1850, I usually just get by with 1600. Is this okay for the "reset" to work?

Any advice or tips, or anyone struggling like me - feel free to please respond.


  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    You can look at my diary if you want. It's definitely not the "cleanest," but I have no problem getting my 1800 in every day. Do you snack at all during the day? A big chunk of my calories come from snacking (almonds, cheese sticks, fruit). I eat the same breakfast just about every day, but my lunch and dinner are always different.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    feel free to look @ my diary too!! eat eat 1800-1900 cals and clean :)
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    Having the ability to see your diary would help us out in giving advice....on that note good things to eat...almonds, chicken breasts, pistachios, greek yogurt, salmon, tuna, turkey, protein powder...all good sources of both calories and good macros

    SFC Q
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I struggled at the beginning too but you will find that once your metabolism gets rev'ed up again, you will not struggle getting calories in! You will crave fuel for your burning engine. That happened to me and it feels good. Give yourself a little time and you may feel the same way!

    I eat 2300 cals a day and I break it down into 4 meals + snacks. Each meal has to be about 500 calories so that I can stay on top of it. I may not eat it all 500 cals at the same sitting but I still consider it my "meal" (today I ate my first breakfast before I left the house and the yogurt/pistachios when I got to work an hour later). I try to balance the protein/carbs appropriately so that I stay on top of my macro goals. My planned lunch was only 368 cals so I added another slice of cheese to my sandwich ( I would have added more deli meat but I ran out!) + an apple to get closer to 500. Just wanted to give some ideas on how to stay on top of it. Also, if others here recommend a full reset to you (I am not an expert yet), you should try to increase by just a 100 cals every couple of days until you hit your TDEE and then start your reset.

    Best wishes!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I've found that I can only eat about 500 calories in one sitting, otherwise I don't feel well. I eat 6 times a day and at dinner I drink some of my calories.

    Breakfast: ~350 cal
    Morning snack: ~450 cal
    Lunch: ~450 cal
    Afternoon snack: ~250 cal
    Dinner: ~500 cal
    Evening snack: ~350 cal

    Total: 2350 cal

    Even with this kind of eating I'm still under my calorie goal of 2500. I am working on adding more calories in somewhere. It will probably be some more healthy fats in the afternoon. My diary is open if you want to take a look.