New to lifting

Nikkimaxim Posts: 221 Member
I've been trying to figure this out..i lost my weight on 1500 calories a day and under for the past 3 months. Now I'm just trying to lose more fat and gain tdee is 2077...i think starting at 10% below tdee which is 1870 calories, should be alright, right? scared to gain back my fat though lol..should I still be doing cardio?..if so, how much, how often?? How often should I be lifting?
what should my macros be?..ive been told 40%protein, 40%carbs, 20% fat..what do you think? With my macros set that way, it gives me a limit of 217 grams of carbs..does that seem high? I'm trying to get down to about 18% body fat. What routines and eating habits have you been following that help you out???
Any advice is welcome..I'm ready to get this going already!! Lol


  • Nikkimaxim
    Nikkimaxim Posts: 221 Member
    Correction: I've been trying to figure this out..i lost my weight on 1500 calories a day and under for the past 3 months. Now I'm just trying to lose more fat and gain tdee is 2077...i think starting at 10% below tdee which is 1870 calories, should be alright, right? scared to gain back my fat though lol..should I still be doing cardio?..if so, how much, how often?? How often should I be lifting?
    what should my macros be?..ive been told 40%protein, 40%carbs, 20% fat..what do you think? With my macros set that way, it gives me a limit of 224 grams of carbs, 224 grams of protein and the rest fat..does that seem high? I'm trying to get down to about 18% body fat. What routines and eating habits have you been following that help you out???
    Any advice is welcome..I'm ready to get this going already!! Lol