staying positive

starting my 4th day of reduced calories, healthier food, better sleep & a huge increase in exercise - and up goes the scale :sad: Last year I gained 11 lbs and my measurements increased while working out & eating right. This year has been a rough start but I am staying positive that this is the year that I lose the "babyfat" (8 years later!) & participate in a 5k! I really pray that my weight & measurements will decrease with all the sacrifices I am making! God is so good! :flowerforyou:


  • cathysimplyrocks
    You'll do great!! Just keep at it. If you feel like you are not losing weight but you are working really hard have your thyroid checked. Mine was damaged during both my pregnancies. I would get on a reduced calorie diet, exercise and sleep but see no results and find myself completely exhausted. I always figured it was the kids making me tired but it ended up being my thyroid. Simple blood work, and a pill everyday for hormone replacement and I finally started seeing results. Now whenever I find myself working really hard and not seeing results I have it rechecked. It is usually off and I need to adjust my hormone replacement. But God is so good and always see us through it.