Psalm 15. You?
Hello beautiful people! I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Corin, I have always struggled with discipline and my weight. I've tried every diet known to man and finally decided a few months ago that I cannot do this without God. So far, I have been very disciplined, consistent, and lost a few pounds, go to the gym 3-4…
Praising God for convicting me to be a better steward of my health. I am working from home 100% since March, and have been completely lazy and overindulgent in foods I know are dangerous for me. I am now at 177.5, and back in diabetic range of 7.6. Please pray for wisdom, endurance, knowledge and God's strength to lead me…
Been studying Crave action Plan with friends and studying Daniel Fast. Second day of trying to elminate unhealthy foods and add fiber and colorful anti inflammatory foods. yesterday ended with a headache.i know this will not be easy but asking for prayer.:smile:
lately I haven't been feeling too well. its nothing inparticular i just am maybe a little run down. I've not been wanting to eat anything, and i've been struggling to eat well over the last three months or so. i am going to have a few days off and see how I am next week. i may still log my food. because i need to make sure…
I wanted to take a minute and welcome and thank all that have joined our group, we all need people to help and it doesn't hurt to have extra prayers coming in from all over, Thank you everyone for letting God be your driving force and I thank God for everything he has done for me and my family. God Bless all of you guys. :)
I FINALLY UPDATED MY PROFILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need to have more friends. Something I didn't mention in my profile is that I love to meet new people. So go ahead add me to your friends list
Hi, I,m Nancy. Very nice to meet all of you. I look forward to ,meet you all by internet . You can add me to your group of friends. With God's help we can do this. We'll encourage each other through it
I need help! ): I was 1061 over my allotted calories today!!! A bunch of times, I would be done or almost done my calories at 4pm, and then I just waited to eat until the morning. The other day, I decided I would just eat something healthy and press reset in the morning, and I did the same thing today, and ate some…
Hi everyone! my name is Katie. I am a single mom of a 10 year old daughter Rylee. I am a college freshman studying for the youth minisitry. would love to make some christian friends you are all welcome to friend me.