You know you EM2WL when. . .



  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    *When you are out grocery shopping, with a fully loaded cart, and your pants start to flap in the breeze and then proceed with a downward shimmy to land dangerously low on your hips, just a hair's breadth away from public embarrassment. (If you can't tell, I need new clothes. :wink: :laugh: :tongue: )

    *People do a triple take between you and your overloaded grocery cart.
  • TonyaBtrfly
    TonyaBtrfly Posts: 118 Member
    Pass the koolaid! Cause i want more!

  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    You can eat halloumi! I'd never have allowed myself to eat it when on VLCDs but have just rediscovered it and realised it's a super source of protein as well as totally delicious :D

    What is this!? If it's not meat, I need to know about it!!!
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    You often find yourself saying, "I need to eat more."

    ^^THIS!! :)^^
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Your tape measure is your new bff
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    You can't help but feel extremely irritated when you realize you won't be able to fit in a good workout.

    ^^ this too! haha!^^
  • cinblog1965
    cinblog1965 Posts: 133 Member
    When eating lunch with the other women, you're the only one not complaining about constipation.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    you don't stare longingly at the mister softee truck as you walk by.

    you walk up to it, buy a cup and enjoy every last drop of was so yummy!
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    You often find yourself saying, "I need to eat more."

    I usually follow that up with "I need to eat more protein"

    When I look at the message boards and the topic is "help I can't lose weight" I'm 99% sure they're eating 1200 cals and working out 7 days a week for 2 hours. I've stopped opening them.

    ALL OF THIS! :)
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Your friends say there is no way you weigh that much. Cause you look like you lost lost weight.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    You can eat halloumi! I'd never have allowed myself to eat it when on VLCDs but have just rediscovered it and realised it's a super source of protein as well as totally delicious :D

    What is this!? If it's not meat, I need to know about it!!!

    It's a cheese, originally from Cyprus I think, usually served grilled from the BBQ or on vegetable kebabs (it holds its shape when cooked) and its vegetarian too.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member finish your log 300 calories too low and you're kinda worried about it! out-eat your boyfriend
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    Your food diary looks like a book instead of a few random thoughts

  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member out-eat your boyfriend

    YES!! i always out eat my boyfriend!! i always tell him to eat more to make me look like less of a pig lmao
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    When pre logging your diary you play around with different foods to get your macros spot on.

    Family occasions can be enjoyed without stressing over what you can or can't eat!!
  • Debb76
    Debb76 Posts: 8
    I found myself telling my husband...I need more protein on my plate.
    I don't count point values anymore, instead I'm saying what else can I eat to reach my macros )
  • rouleaux
    rouleaux Posts: 31
    ...when you help your husband carry out your old elliptical from your basement (2 flights of stairs, close to 150lb machine) without breaking much of a sweat...and the new guy owner can barely hold up your end when you hand it to him. NROWL (and eating enough to support it) rocks!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    When you are doing a strength training video hard core sweating and watching the Bachelorette on TV in the other room AT THE SAME TIME.

    Or your co-workers say "you're eating again"
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    When pre logging your diary you play around with different foods to get your macros spot on.

    I do this everyday! I put in my breakfast, lunch and dinner and then figure out what snacks I want based on my macros!!
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    When people comment on your strong will to stick to a "diet" and lose so much weight and all you can think is "what diet?!?!?!".